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Marinette POV.
I was laying in the seaweed grass and I looked up to see Adrian he was hugging me Adrian: You awake princess
Mari: I thought you were asleep
Adrian: no I was awake for awhile waiting for you to wake up
Mari: why
Adrien: I want to show you some thing
He grabbed my and dragged me to this spot were the dolphins were they were swimming around something or someone they moved out of the way and made a hear it was Alya and Nino they were hugging it was so cute
Marinette: They are cute together
Adrien: yeah just like you and I
I blushed bright red he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I thought I need to show him something
Mari: Adrian I need to show you something amazing follow me. He looked confused I grabbed his hand and swam and swam until we stopped at this dead end
Adrien: What is it
I hit the rock with my tail then twice with my hand and the wall shook and a little door way open
Mari: follow me
We swam in and it was full of corals and fish
Adrien: what is this place
Mari:my home
Adrien: what is that cave back there
Mari: that's a cave a discovered along time ago so your crew can stay there
Adrien swam around. Then he turned around and he had that cheeky smirk on his face
Adrien: M'Lady
Mari: What do you want?
Adrien: I was wondering if you wanted to well like umm....... come to land for a day and show you what's it like
Mari: with people
Adrien: Ahhh... no people will question about you not because I'm embarrassed of because I love you any way people up there don't like new people you get it
I nodded
Mari: I would love to go up on land I know an island close by you want to do there
Adrien: great it's a date would you like to go now
Mari: lets go
He followed me to this reef with tropical fishes and dolphin were everywhere I turned to look at him we was shock we swam to the surface and dragged ourselves on shore and we both got dry in the sun I was wearing his big boat and he was wearing his ace shirt and pants and boots
He stood up and I struggled then he picked me up and carried me to a tree
Adrien POV.
I picked her up and placed her under a tree
Mari: what's that
She pointed at a bird it was green and had a black feather that was long
Adrien: That's a bird
Mari what do they do
Adrien: they fly around looking for food that what the do and they live in nest that they make
Mari: It's cute
Adrien: Yeah
I daydreamed into Marinettes blue bell eyes
I totally blanked out. I could feel someone shaking me
Mari: Adrian Adrian Adrian
Adrien: Mari what happen were are you
Mari: I'm here I thought you die
Adrien: I would never leave you now and
Adrien: I got some thing for you
I pulled out an necklace with a little compass
Mari: it's beautiful!
Adrien: this necklace is when you get lost or need help you open it and it will show you the way back
Mari: really
Adrien: Yeah so I'm going to teach you how to actually walk
Mari: okay lets do this
She giggled it was so cute
Adrien: hold my hands and put your left foot first then right foot then left then right
you get it
She nodded and she stared she did what I said and stared to walk
Adrien: great nom let go of me and walk to me over
Mari: okay
She stared to walk the a light jog then she tripped over a pice of drift wood and fell to the ground and a little wave splashed her and she turned into a mermaid. She giggled so did I ran over to her to see if she was okay.
Adrien: are you okay M'Lady
Mari:I'm fine
We laid in the sand and looked up in the sky the clouds form into funny shapes
Mari: that cloud looks like a dolphin
Adrien: that one looks like a mermaid
We giggled and talked for the whole day it was magnificent the we went back to sea I never wanted. This day to end it was just so magical
Adrien: well it's really dark down here
Mari: I know but it's so peaceful
In the distance I could hear this whistling nose wait no it was a mother whale and a father whale with there son. It was beautiful they dance and sang I looked at Marinette I thought that one day might be her and I but it's to early to do that is
Mari: one day i want a family like that
My eyes widened
Adrien: what *hemhem* sorry what was that you were say
Mari: oh I just want a family one day
Adrien: really because it might happen soon
to you
Mari: yeah it might
Marinette yawned and she swam in her cave
Mari: are you coming
Adrien: I'll stay up for a while and watch the whales
She smiled and swam in her cave

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