The Devil's Back! (Erza)

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Hey guys another new chapter!!! hope ya guys like it feel free to correct me cuz im so careless and you have a Exceed weird right? but she Knew you were an a exceed too (E/N)=Exceed's Name

**Narrator's PoV**

Natsu and Happy is picking a job he decided to be Lucy's partner so he went to Lucy's apartment Natsu went to the window "hey Luce!" Lucy jump "WHEN DID YOU GET IN MY APARTMENT!!" Lucy yelled "Your window is open over there"Natsu pointed at the open window "I'm just wanna ask you something"Natsu said "Wait im just gonna contract with a celestial spirit!"Lucy said then pulled a silver key "Ok! Ask you once again to contract with me! Open gate of the Canis Minor! Nicola!"Lucy said then a creature height like happy popped "hmm... it's so cute!! I think we should name it" Lucy said "Wait but it's name is Nicola right?"Happy said "No its not his name its just for the opening the key! hmm.. how about.. Plue!"Lucy said "Do you agree Plue?" Plue nodded "plue? a Canis Minor right? why he doesnt have ears and doesn't say 'woof' 'woof'" happy asked "And you why are you blue and why you doesnt say 'Meow' 'Meow'?" Lucy asked "She got a point happy" Natsu said "aye!" Happy said  then plue went infront of Natsu and starts dancing "So plue are free mondays?"Plue shook his head "tuesdays?"plue nodded"wednesday?"plue nodded "thursday?" Plue nodded "Friday?" Plue shook his head "Saturday?" Plue nodded "Sunday?"Plue shook his head "see it's easy!" Lucy smiled then plue went infront of Natsu then dances"What is Plue doing?" Lucy asked "your right about that plue!"
"You under stand plue?!!" Lucy shouted/said "Hey Lucy you wanna join our team?" Natsu asked "Team?" Lucy asked she tilted her head "aye! Everyone im the guild has teams and partners! You go out with missions with them so you will easily defeat the opponent!" Happy explain "Sounds fun! I'll join!" Lucy says "Great!!! Let's go to our first job!" Natsu said "Let me read it! Oh wow.. 200,000j's a perverted  man in everlue mansion he only needs a blonde maid..."Lucy's eye widen" Good thing partners eon't go back in their words!!!"Natsu said "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! YOU GOT ME!!!!" Lucy said" Let's go to the mission!"Natsu said

**(Time skip at the mission)**

**Narrator's PoV

"Woah! It's so big!" Natsu said Happy and Lucy nodded"go to the door and ask to be a maid of him Luce"Lucy nervously nodded then walks towards the gate then press the doorbell "who are you?" Said the man hilding his mustache "I-I'm here to be a maid" Lucy said then the man thinked about it then said"No I won't allow you, your too UGLY"the man said then Natsu and Happy trying hard not to laugh

**(Time skip After The Mission)**

**Narrator's PoV**

"Arr you sure this is the way happy? " Lucy asked "Of course! cats have a special nose!" Happy said (a/n:your walking around the forest near the three)then they heard the bush move then they got in fighting instance they were about to fight when they saw Gray "Hey Ice Princess what are you doing here?!" Natsu asked "I'm taking a shortcut..." Gray said "see I told you this is a shortcut!" Happy shouted "I need a bathroom!" Gray said "Then why are you here Stripper!" Natsu said "I told you I was finding a bathroom flame brain!" Gray said"What'cha call me?! Ice freak?!"Natsu said "Guys Guys!! Stop fighting and where's happy?!!" They both stop and went where happy is "GUUUUUYSS HELP!!!!" They heard happy and went where he is and you too you were hiding in the bush with your exceed "hey Y/N I think you need to help them"E/N whisper "nah.. They're strong don't worry" you whisper back to her

**(Time Skip When Erza Is Fighting The Monster)**

**Erza's PoV**

I Was fighting the monster when a hooded figure butted in "Mind if I join? I wanna slay a monster too!"
I slowly nodded at her"s-sure?"I said "Thanks! I've been waiting to slay monster!" Then a sword appear on her hands 'what? Is she or he an a ReQuip wizard??' I looked at her then I saw the Monster is already defeated 'what?' "You must be skilled" I said then she or he nodded "I've been practicing since my parent is gone..." She/he looked down "o-oh!! Im sorry to hear that! W-whats your name (a/n: you are the hooded figure) " My name is N/N L/N
What's yours?" She/he said "My name is Erza Scarlet"I said" Well it's nice to meet you Erza!since we defeat a monster how about hmm.. Let's buy some Strawberry cheesecake? My treat" She/he said "Don't worry i'm not an enemy" She/he said my eyes sparkle'Straw berry cheesecake!' "Oh yeah you have a new member in your guild her name is Lucy" N/n said to me.. "I hope we will be a great frien
ds!" She/he said to me I smiled then she smiled back

**(Time Skip at the strawberry cheesecake bakery)**

**Erza's PoV**

"Hey Erzy choose!" She said to me then she picked the strawberry cheesecake and i pick it too "how many?" The baker ask N/N I don't know the gender of N/N and she said: Only two! Well I have an exceed she's sleeping" "Where?" N/n pointed at him/her head "oh I tought it was. Hat"
N/n giggled  A bit "and you miss Erza?" The baker asked "20. Please" N/n and the baker sweatdropped then give me the strawberry cheescake "Wow,You can that all Erzy?" N/n ask me "yeah I really like straw berry cheescake" I said "Oh yeah! Goodbye Erzy! I hope we see you soon and please don't talk about me see you soon!"

**(Time skip Morning Y/N's PoV)**

I yawn and take a shower I'm thinking about visiting the fairy tail! Oh yeah hmmm.. I think i'll send a letter "hry E/N!" I said to E/N "Do you want to visit Fairy Tail?" I ask her then nodded "I'll send a letter" Minutes Later I was done writing a letter then I call my bird "please give this to Master Makarov" (B/N=Bird Name)
B/N nodded then flies away

**(Time Skip At The Fairy Tail Guild)**

**Narrator's PoV**

Y/N's bird is now in the guild and searching for master makarov "Master Makarov Master Makarov! A Letter for you!!" Y/N's bird says master makarov took the letter and reads it 'Hi Master Makarov this After noon I will be visiting the Fairy Tail Guild!
~The Mystical Wizard'
Master Makarov choke on his drink then he goes upstairs "Brats! Listen up! Today we got a special visitor so I want you brats behavior ok! Clean the guild and no fighting this after noon

**(Time Skip AfterNoon)**

**Y/N's PoV**

I was walking towards the guild i didn't hear any fighting weird... Is it because i'm visiting? Maybe not.. I think becaus they are on the job I slammed the doot open and I saw the guil staring at me and my exceed "Where is Master Makarov?" Then the guild master show up "I-I'm up here!" Makarov said "Can I talk to you please?" Makarov nodded nervously I wonder why and I keep glancing at Lucy.. "Let's go to my office" makarov said and I nodded "s-so what do you want to talk a-about?" He ask me "well I wanna ask you" He nodded "Okay.. Have you seen my face?" I ask makarov "no not yet..." "I'm gonna join your guild" he looked shock for a second and ask me "a-are you sure child?" He ask me and I nodded "what about you E/N do you wanna join the guild?" I ask her she nodded "then it's final! We wanna join your guild master! Can I call you Gramps?"
I ask him and he nodded "hey Y/N you should stop hiding in the hood" E/n said to me I looked at her "b-but what will they think about me?" I ask her before she could talk Gramps said something"It's ok child we won't think any weird toughts of you"I sighed and said something to gramps "hey gramps..I will trust you my secret okay?" I look at gramps and he noded
"W-well i'm an exceed" his eyes widen like dinner plates "well my owner is here her name is Lucy.." His jaw dropped "wow.. I've never seen an exceed so powerful before you can still join" he said and i smiled at him widely and I took off my hood


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