It's hard to resist your cute and hot best friend,Jeon Jungkook.He made you happy about your life since your the only child.Your parents trust Jungkook when both of you are together with the squad or BTS.Problems that you call disasters occurred and...
Yoongi:Annyeong! (Hello) Taehyung:Where's Hatsu? Mrs.Akari:She's over here asleep. Taehyung:Auntie Kotori can I take pictures of her while she's sleeping? Mrs.Akari:Sure.It's just a picture but don't mess around with that pictures. Taehyung:Okay.
Few Momments later...
{Hatsumi's POV}
Taehyung:She's awake!Hoseok pass me that ears!! Hoseok:Here.
I opened my eyes and started rubbing it.The first thing i saw was this.
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Taehyung:Hey Good ARFternoon Sleeping Beauty. Hatsumi:Taehyung? You look cute! Taehyung: Thank You (blushes). Jungkook:Wait Who's goanna pick up Namjoon? Mom:Your squad will pick him up.Bring Hatsumi with you. Jungkook:The oldest is gonna drive the van! Seokjin:Okay!!
So all of us Went to our van.And went to do our tasks.
Since it was Friday we were allowed to wear anything that we want.Im now suffering in cold because all I wore was a turtle shirt, Ripped jeans and a pair if black converse.
Jungkook noticed that I was getting cold so he took of his jacket and asked me...
I'm really shocked. Jungkook doesn't like sharing his clothes to others.
I saw Tae playing piano tyles in his phone.
Taehyung:Yes!!I beat your High score Hoseok! Hatsumi:Hey Taehyung can I try and beat yours? Taehyung:Sure try it.
I tapped the black tiles one by one and the music gets fast.I really focused on the black tiles.It took a while. The music gets even faster and I missed one.I was afraid that I might have lost.
Taehyung:Woah new high score!!
I was surprised that I beat Tae's score.Im da boss low key boss.
The trip was loud. The boys were talking like they are miles away from each other.I wanna take a nap.
{Jungkook's POV}
I felt something in my right shoulder.I turned my head to see Hatsumi sleeping adorably again.
Awww she's so adorable!
Jungkook:Guys keep it down.We have a napper here. Taehyung:Hatsu is so cute!!Soon to be Mrs.Kim. Jungkook:Hey hey she's soon to be Mrs.Jeon. Yoongi:Just stop it.She doesn't belong to anybody and she doesn't even have a boyfriend. Jungkook:Wait it's only 11AM.How did you guys got out of school? Jimin:We asked Ms.Bom if we can go follow the both of you.She allowed us and we promised that we will never do it again. Jungkook:Oh.
I really wanna take a nap too and the same time look cute with Hatsu.
So I put my right arm in her right shoulder and snuggled with her.
Few hours later...
Yoongi:Jungkook wake up. Jungkook:Im up.
I looked at my Hatsu who's still asleep.Her bun was really messy but in a good way.Her glasses is tilted side wards.And she's still snuggling with my jacket.I hate it when I share them to others but if it is Hatsu Im fine with it.
Taehyung:Jeon, wanna wake her up? Jungkook: No, she's sleeping peacefully and you wanna wake her up? Taehyung: I was just asking. Seokjin:Hey hyungs we're here. Jungkook:In second thought let's wake her up.
Taehyung nodded.
Taehyung:Babe wake up. "Wink" Hatsumi: What?Already? Taehyung:It's been 3 hours. Hatsumi:It felt like minutes. Jungkook:Hatsu your like a girl version of Yoongi he likes to sleep a lot. Hatsumi:I guess so. "Giggles" Jimin:Eonma (mother) Seokjin park it already!! Seokjin:Im on it already! Taehyung:Jeon, Akari Lean closer!
Me and My Kookie leaned closer.
Taehyung:"whisper" let's mess with Hoseok.Just follow my lead and act natural. Hatsu:Wait how are we gonna do that? "Whisper" Taehyung: "whisper" There's a toy snake in my bag. Jungkook:Ohhh.Let's do it! "Whisper"
Taehyung pulled the snake toy out of his bag and dragged it in the front seat where Seokjin and Hoseok are sitting.
Taehyung:HOSEOK A SNAKE!!! Hoseok:SNAKEUUUUU!!!!
All of us including Suga was laughing so hard we couldn't even breathe.
Taehyung:Hahahahaha chill it's just a toy! Hoseok:Get that thing away from me!!
(A/N: Okay if you guys are confused if where the members are sitting here look at this
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OKAY back to the story.)
Hatsumi:Okay cut it out already!Let's pick up Namjoon! Jungkook:Let's go, Hatsu is really excited.
We all went out of the van and looked for Namjoon.
Jimin's POV
Jimin:Guys it's Namjoon!!! He's waving at us! Hatsumi:NAMJOON!!!
She's so cute.
We ran towards Namjoon who's really tall.I really wish I was tall too.
{3rd Person's POV}
Hatsumi ran towards Namjoon and gave him a tight hug.
Namjoon:Hey Hatsu!How have you been? Hatsu:Im fine!I really missed you cous! Namjoon:Hey Hyungs! Yoongi:Sweag! Jungkook:HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
(A/N:okay sorry late update.I accidentally fell asleep and I forgot to update yesterday soweiiii!!)