It's hard to resist your cute and hot best friend,Jeon Jungkook.He made you happy about your life since your the only child.Your parents trust Jungkook when both of you are together with the squad or BTS.Problems that you call disasters occurred and...
Taehyung:Hatsu I copied some extra notes in English for you. Hatsumi:Aww thank you tae. Jungkook:Here Hatsu, I copied physics, biology and chemistry for you. Hatsumi:Woah thank you so much kookie.Come here both of you.
Both of them got up from their seats and stood in front if me.I stood up and hugged them both.
Hatsumi:Thanks guys.
I really didn't expect that they will hug back.
After school...
Hatsumi:Guys let's meet up at my house okay? Boys:Okay. Hatsumi:Bye!!
I went home and changed my uniform. I need to go to the store to buy some snacks.
I just went walking,Im so excited!!I even got to think all the games that we're going to play!Well pillow fight is gonna be one if them.
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(Just imagine your hair black)
I want to the market...
While walking around I already ady imagined all the games that we will play.Yosh!!Im so excited.
When I was on my way to the cashier, I saw Jungkook buying some sodas.
Jungkook looked at me before smiling.I walked towards him.
Jungkook:So buying some snacks for later? Hatsumi:Yeah.Mom bought all healthy foods.So I went out and bought some snacks.By the way, already heading at my house? Jungkook:Yeah.I just picked up some sodas.Can I just ask?Where are we sleeping? Hatsumi:Oh in my room.I was thinking a game that if one of us won,That person will be the one that will sleep in the bed. Jungkook:Oh cool!! Hatsumi: Let's go?
Jungkook nodded.
Me and him went to the cashier to pay the this that we bought.After that we went home.
When we arrived home the others was already there.Even Hoseok's sister.
(Guys I'm sorry I forgot what his sister's name is so feel free to remind me Kamsahamnida.)
Hatsumi:Hey guys let's go to my room!!
Okay let's wrap it up. There will be a second part because I have to sleep cuz I haven't sleep in days.The reason why I slept last night is we need to go to church.And these projects and homework are keeping me up all night.And in the morning I have dance sessions.So sorry for an extremely short chapter.Kamsahamnida.Sarangheyo.Mwuah!! 💖👑❤️😆😄😝