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"How can I assist you?" He questioned, still completely confused about what you happened to be doing. 

"Well, your Niffler is undernea- OW!" You pull your hand back, small scratch marks on your hand glowing red as the small creature flees from under the couch, Newt whipping out his wand and catching it with on swift flick of his wrist, as he turned the creature upside down, the door knob falling out of his pouch and hitting the ground with a loud 'clank'.

"You stole her door knob? Goodness, have you no manner for the lady?" He shook his head, heading up the stairs, most likely putting the Niffler into his case of magical creatures.

You scamper over, grabbing the knob as you examine it, curious to which door it went to, until you realized: it went to the wardrobe with the Boggart in it. 

Now, people reading this, maybe you wonder, why would you keep a Boggart? I'd assume it isn't that nice of a pet, it turns into your greatest fear. Well, it isn't really your pet, you've just never had the guts every time you tried to rid the damned creature from your house. 

Of course, that being said, you have tried. 

Now, you could have called another wizard, but that would have taken too much work, and your house elves, well, even if you could hand them your wand, they'd probably be terrified of a boggart trying to hand them clothes.

But now that you had Newt, well, this gave you a very interesting idea. 

Get him to get rid of the Boggart.

You thought of different ways to go through with this idea, you could go to the boggart now, and act as if you didn't know it was there, you could simply ask, you can put on a show where you tried to return the doorknob to its resting place, and the boggart attacked you. Really, you could go on and on about the different ideas that ran through your head, but you decided on one, the first one was the plan. 

You inhaled sharply as your small hands shook while you reached to open the door, your wand in one of your hands as you swung it open, immediately you see the boggart, in the form of your haunting sister, her whispering how her death was your fault, as you let out a loud scream, it instantly mixing with sobs, the noise of Newts feet running up to you, before one final shout of the spell.


It's Cold Outside. (Newt Scamander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now