My Sorrow Pt.2

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As Team RWBY and I looked at the board to see which mission we wanted I couldn't shake a bad feeling about today.
Yang: "What about this one?"
(Y/N): "To high leveled."
Weiss: "This one?"
(Y/N): "To low leveled."
Blake: "How about this one?"
(Y/N): "I'm trying to do a mission not die of boredom."
Ruby: "Well mister picky you pick one."
(Y/N): "Okay I will." I said as I shuffled through the current missions available. It was then that a certain mission caught my eye.
(Y/N): "How about this one? The description says 'Search and Destroy: A White Fang base has been spotted along the outskirts of Mount Glenn. Base is to be searched for information leading to the White Fang and destroyed. Duration of mission 2-3 day. Recommended hunters: 5.' So what do you girls think?" I asked as they nodded. I then clicked the mission and entered our names into the lines. When I finished the mission was accepted and we got a message on our scrolls to meet at the air pad in 30 minutes. As we put our scrolls away we gathered our gear and made our way to the bullhead. As the bullhead arrived we all entered it and sat down on our seats. Ruby sat down next to me and clinched to my arm.
Ruby: "So what do you think we will find out there?" She asked as I pulled the dart from my pocket look at the initials.
(Y/N): "I don't know Ruby but I hope to find answers." I said as I put the dart away and Ruby then wrapped her arms around me and gave me a quick kiss.
Ruby: "You will find the answers (Y/N) and I'll be there to help." She said as she snuggled into my side.
(Y/N): "I know you will Ruby." I said wrapping my arms around her as we all decided to nap before we got to our destination.

Timeskip 1 Hour

As we all awoke from our nap the intercom came on in the bullhead.
Intercom: "We will be arriving at the destination shortly hunters." It said as we all got up and stretched. Once we were done we grabbed our gear and the bullhead landed on the ground with a thud. As the bullhead doors opened we landed in a open field where we were met by sunlight and the entrance to a forest. As we walked out the bullhead doors closed and the bullhead flew off back in the direction we came. As we walked to the edge of the field we began our journey into the forest.
(Y/N): "Everyone stay close and keep your ears and eyes open for anything suspicious." I said as they all nodded. We then began to to walk through the trees and brush looking for the base. As we ventured deeper we ran into a couple of Grim that we easily dispatched before we continued onward. After hours of searching the sun began to dip into the horizon.
(Y/N): "Its getting dark we should make camp and continue in the morning." I said as they all agreed. As we stopped I began to make a fire pit while the girls let out the sleeping bags around it. I then went into the first to gather some woods and tender for the fire and returned. As I placed the tender and wood in the pit I got a lighter from my bag and lit it. So the first was roaring and heat radiated from it. As we sat around the fire we began to talk about a lot of stuff. It wasn't until a few minutes in that Weiss asked a question I was waiting for.
Weiss: "(Y/N) yesterday when you told Ruby 'not like that time' what did you mean exactly?"
She asked as Ruby sat next to me wrapping her arms around me.
Ruby: "Are you okay with telling them?"
(Y/N): "I'll be fine my little Rose." I said returning the embrace. "Do you all know about the legend of the Reaper?" I asked as they all nodded. "Well what the legend dose not state is the tradition." I said as they looked at me confused.
Ruby: "The powers of the Reaper are transferred to the next person via a ritual when the previous Reaper is nearing death." She said as the others looked shocked. As I took off my pendant I opened it up and showed the others the picture of my brother.
(Y/N): "This is Mason (L/N) the previous Reaper and my brother." I said closing it and returning it around my neck.
Yang: "So you mean to tell us that your brother is no longer alive?" She said as I just nodded.
Blake: "I don't want to sound rude but how did you brother die?"
(Y/N): "My brother didn't die a natural death because he was murdered." I said as I told the girls the story I had told Ruby on the fateful night. As I finished I took the dart from my pocket and showed the girls. "The only clue I have are the initials J.M." I finished as I put the dart back in my pocket.
Weiss: "I'm sorry for you loss (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "It's fine Weiss the reason I told you all is because I trust you enough." I said making them all smile. "Anyways I think we should turn in for the night. I'll take the first watch so you girls gets some rest." They nodded as I let go of Ruby and kissed her goodnight. As I made my way to a tree nearby I climbed it and made myself comfortable. As I stared into the sky I noticed the stars shining bright and the moonlight beating down on me. I then found myself lost in my thoughts as the night went on.

Hey guys thank you for reading and I just wanna say thank you all for the support on my books. I mean almost 1k views on my other two books and nearly 500 on this one. It makes me happy knowing you guys enjoy my stories. Again I want to say thank you and I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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