Death's Revenge

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Since no one guessed in the last chapter Jason is basically Sephiroth.


Jason: "So what will you do now that you know who I am." He smiled as he just waited.
(Y/N): "The same thing you did to my brother." I said extending my scythe. "Kill." I said as I rushed at him with blinding speed. In a flash he pulled out his muramasa and blocked my attack.
Jason: "Come now (Y/N) do you honestly thing that will work." He said while looking me dead in the eye.
(Y/N): "No but this will." I said as I fazed into the ground. He then stood firm waiting for my attack. I then shot the razor of my scythe from the ground as he jumped into the air. He then softly landed away from the razor as I emerged from the ground.
Jason: "You call yourself a Reaper?" He said laughing. This angered me to no bounds as I charged him enraged. As I neared him he readied for my attacks. A swung my scythe over and over again to only have my attacks blocked by his blade. All the while he just kept on laughing. His laugh kept fueling my rage to kill him until I finally lost all control. I then stepped back as dark mist began to seep from my skin.
Jason: "That's it (Y/N) let it take control." He said as my blood boiled at the sound of his voice. "Show me your strength." He said readying his murasama. I then rushed forward with no sense of control slashing as the dark haze flew behind me. He just smirked and readied his attack.
Jason: "That's enough." He said as he bolted passed me with his murasama drawn. He then stood on the other side with his murasama placed back in its sheath. As I stood ready to attack again I felt a pain in my body. It was then that I fell to my knees as the haze from my skin evaporated. I looked down to see multiple deep wounds on my chest. I then fell over breathing heavily as blood poured from my wounds.
Ruby: "(Y/N)!!!!!!" She cried out as my eyes began to close. I could feel my life fading away as I drew one last breath. And then there was nothing but darkness.

(Y/N)'s Mind

As I floated in the dark abyss I thought this was the end. I floated for what seemed like hours until I was meet by a shadowy figure.
(Y/N): "Who are you."
(???): "You do not recognize me my disciple." He said in a raspy voice. I then began to thing until it hit me.
(Y/N): "Ahh lord Death I'm sorry I did not recognize you."
Death: "It is alright my child for you not have seen me until this point." He said. "Do you understand the reason for why you are here?" He questioned me.
(Y/N): "It is because I have died isn't it." I asked as he nodded. When he nodded I felt a pain in my chest and heart. I thought of many things my friends, my family, but most importantly I thought of Ruby. "I'm sorry my lord I have failed you as your disciple." I said bowing my head in shame. He only chuckled as I looked back up.
Death: "You have done nothing of the sorts my child. You have merely hit a bump in the road." He said. "It is not your time Reaper."
(Y/N): "What do you mean my lord?" He then extended his hand and in his palm a dark flame began to grow.
Death: "You will return my child stronger than before." He said gesturing to his palm. "Take this my child and you shall gain a power unlike any other." He said as I slowly moved my hand towards the flame. As my hand touched the flame it began to crawl and form around my body. I could feel power flowing into me. As the flame that once burned dark has now disappeared I could feel my body had changed. I then looked at myself to notice my entire body was covered in dark armor. I then looked to my side to notice my scythe in my hand had changed in form. Its once normal stature was now transformed into a creation fitting of death himself. The once silver blade was now replaced with the darkest blood crimson. Instead of a singular blade it now had a blade on each end of the weapon. And its once wooden frame was now replaced with obsidian steel.
(Y/N): "Thank you my lord for this gift you have given me." I said as my body began to fade away.
Death: "Do not thank me yet you still have a role to play young Reaper." He said as I faded from this plain and back to my own.

Ruby POV

Ruby: "(Y/N)!!!" I cried as I watched him close his eyes. I then fell to my knees crying. I can't believe he was gone. The man I loved died right I front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything but watch. I then looked up to noticed Jason holstering his murasama and walking towards us.
Jason: "One down four to go." He said drawing closer to us as everyone backed up except for me. As he drew closer I accepted my death. I couldn't live without (Y/N) so I would meet him in the afterlife. As he stood in front of me I could feel him staring. "Do you not fear death little girl?" He said as I looked up with tears in my eyes.
Ruby: "Just do it already. You've killed the man I love so please just let me rejoin him." I then let my head fall.
Jason: "As you wish." He then began to draw his sword but then stopped. As I looked up I noticed his head was turned towards (Y/N)'s body. As I looked at his body I noticed it was burning with dark flames. As the flames died out his body had a dark armor encasing him and his scythe had transformed. I then began to cry tears of joy as I saw him move and start to stand up.
Ruby: "(Y/N)!!" I said with a smile as Jason began to walk towards him.
Jason: "Still alive I see. I guess I have to cut you down again." He said drawing his weapon.
(Y/N): "Death grant me your blessing." He began to chant.
Jason: "What are you on about?"
(Y/N): "For my actions are to please thee." He said readying his scythe.
Jason: "Praying to your God won't help." He said running towards (Y/N).
(Y/N): "A soul I shall reap just for thee."
Jason: "Enough nonsense." He said bring down his blade.
(Y/N): "For I am your disciple." He finished as he dissapered before Jason's weapon make contact. (Y/N) then appeared behind Jason with his scythe hooked around his neck.
Jason: "What the hell are you?" He smiled.
(Y/N): "I'm the Reaper." He said as he pushed his scythe forward. As his scythe moved he decapitated Jason in one smooth motion. As his body fell to the floor his head rolled to the other side of the room. (Y/N) then holstered his scythe as his dark armor began to dissapear and his scythe began to go back to normal. He then knelt down next to me and wrapped me in a hug as I cried uncontrollably into his chest. I then began to weakly beat on his chest as I cried.
Ruby: "I thought *sob* I lost you *sob* you idiot." I said through my cries.
(Y/N): "I will never leave you Ruby you know this." He said tightening the hug. "I promise I will never leave you my love." He said as he stroked my hair. I then looked up at him into his (e/c) eyes and noticed tears. I then wiped away his tear as he wiped away mine. I then brought out lips together and kissed him. We just held each other never wanting to let go.
Yang: "Eh hem" he coughed making us break apart.
Ruby: "Really I just thought I lost him and you have to ruin the moment." I said as she just shrugged her shoulders. (Y/N) then stood up and helped me to my feet. We then decided to radio for a evac at the nearby comm room and mak our way out of the facility. We had a bit of trouble getting out due to us being hurt but we manage to make it out safely. As we exited the cave we hurried as fast as we could to the landing zone. When we got there we were greeted by the Atlas army and a bullhead evac. As we got on the bullhead we were treated for our wounds. As we started to relax the bullhead took off and made its way back to Beacon. I just cuddle into (Y/N)'s side never letting him go. He then wrapped his arms around me.
Ruby: "Don't you ever scare me like that again."
(Y/N): "I'll try not to."
Ruby: "So what do we do now?"
(Y/N): "Relax." He said with a sigh of comfort.
Ruby: "When we get home that won't be happening~" I said with a slight blush.
(Y/N): "Really I can't get a break?" I then got close to his ear.
Ruby: "Oh we can relax in a different way~" I said as he finally got the hint and went bright red.
(Y/N): "Are you sure about this Ruby?"
Ruby: "Positive~" I said as I gave him a quick kiss a dozed off.

Thank you all for reading. Sorry I haven't updated this book in a while stuff has been happening and I kinda had a writers block for this book specifically. And if you can guess next chapter is the famous lemon chapter so be prepared. Anyways thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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