Lps Popular Girls:Chapter 1, Hard Decisions

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Hi, I'm Melissa. I'm an orange cat with purple eyes that has a loving mother and a best friend named Desire.Desire is a brown cocker spaniel who sticks up for me when I'm bullied. Then here come the mean girls. Julianna, Maya, and Savannah. Savannah is the main leader of the Barbie dolls. She may seem loving and caring like an angel, but she's a devil in disguise. Savannah is a cat like Melissa but is a G2. Everyone falls over her just because of that G2 thingy. Her friends Maya, the chihuahua, and Julianna, the dachshund are just like her, but I think Julianna is a little dumb...


When I was at school with Desire, she wanted me to take off my glasses??! "Desire I can't even seen without them!" I cried "Come on! I've never seen your eyes before." Desire said willingly to take them off. "Fine. But then I need them back right away!" I yelled. "Ok" Desire said. (Desire takes off my glasses carefully) "Wow...." Desire said in shock. I blinked a few times bit all I saw was blur. "Do I look bad?" I said embarrassed. "No, you look amazing!" Shouted Desire. Everyone stared at her. She felt so embarrassed screaming randomly. "Uh oh," "give me back my glasses!" I said kind of loud. (Desire gives me my glasses back quickly) Savannah came up with her two sidekicks (Julianna and Maya). "Well, I see your best friend just got embarrassed." Savannah said laughing. "I bet she made you look ridiculous!" She said insulting me. "Yea! You should have seen the look on your face!" Maya said to Desire following Savannah. "Would you guys just leave her alone? I mean your breath smells so bad you made my ears numb!" I blurted out. Everyone was gasping in shock that I had actually spoke to Savannah that way. "Excuse me!!!?" She hissed. "Um, yea! That's right!" I said surprisingly. I mean, no one else would do that."We'll then, you better watch out Melissa, cause we're coming." She said mysteriously. Then Julianna said something really dumb. "What are we coming for again?" She said dumbly. But then they all left and didn't hear anything from then on.


Everyone was talking about me! I felt scared, and proud at the time. I saw the Barbie dolls over by the vending machine snickering about me, but I didn't care. I then saw Desire talking to her friend Alexandra. Alexandra is a shorthaired like me, but is all black with white. "Hey..." I said slowly. "What's up Melissa?" Said Desire excitedly. "Why are you so excited?" I asked curiously. "Didn't you hear!!!?" Alexandra pointed to the bulletin board. "See right there," exclaimed Alexandra. I then realized there was a piece of paper that said, "Brooklyn Paw High is now opening a talent show! The prizes are listed in the office, it ends on November 8, 2018. Good luck!". "Well...!!!?" Desire and Alexandra said super excited now. "Guys, really? It's already October 24, 2018, we don't even have that much time to practice! And besides, you know I don't have any talent." I said. I thought my friends would be mad or sad but then they said, "Girl, you have talent!" "You can sing better than anyone in this school!" Remember in 4th grade you sang in the talent show and won 2nd place!?" They both said trying to make me join. I thought hard. It made my brain hurt so then I was going to say but right then, the bell rang. "I got to go to class, meet me at 11:50am ok?" I said kind of mumbling. "Sure, I guess," Desire and Alexandra said that at the same time. I kind of felt bad for them that I let them down. But hey, I never said no😉.

-----------------After class---------------

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