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Types in

Hey! My name is Faith and I'm going on some weird website called "WeType". My sister recommended me this website so I can finally find a "Boyfriend". Why get in a relationship when there's anime and fictional characters like Harry Potter? I don't understand the desperate desire for a boyfriend/girlfriend. I just promised her I'll find someone before she has an arranged marriage for me.

Logging you in

You are now logged into WeType

Click "Chat" to begin chatting with a stranger

I proceeded to click chat. Hopefully I find a decent guy who's into Harry Potter or anime.


Ugh, Come on come on come on come on come on!

Stranger is typing...

[Stranger]: Hello?

Oh My Gosh! I actually got someone!

Stranger is typing...

[Stranger]: ...Hello??

[You]: Oh! I'm sorry, hello!

Stranger is typing...

[Stranger]: Lolz! It's fine. what's going on?

[You]: Nothing at all! I'm actually new to this app so I don't know all the basics.

Stranger is typing...

[Stranger]: I can help you with anything if you want

[You]: Oh that'll be grat!

[You]: Great*

Stranger is typing...

[Stranger]: Well what i noticed on this app is that people don't fix their errors so if you forget to capitalize a word or spell it wrong, it'll be ok :) As long as I, and others, understand.

[You]: Oh thank god! I actually hate correcting my mistakes.

Stranger is typing...

[Stranger]: Hey stranger, whats ya name? I'm Sam.

Oh! Sam...cute name. Cute names come with cute faces.

[You]: My name is Faith. Ironic because I don't really have faith in myself lol

Stranger is typing...

Stranger is deleting...

Stranger is typing...

[Stranger]: lol you're funny. I like the name faith. *heart eyes* Btw, you can change your name by clicking "Info" So when you message me it'll say "Faith has messaged you" instead of "a stranger has messaged you". That's if you want though. I'm fine with anything :]

So kind. Yes Sam. I'll definitely change my name for you.

Are you sure you want to change your name to "Faith"?

Changing name to "Faith"

[Stranger]: Pretty! I suppose I should change mine too

Stranger has changed their name to "Sam!1!"

[Faith]: LOL that's pretty funny. I like your name too.

Sam!1! is typing...

[Sam!1!]: Fun fact, I actually dislike my name and I was thinking about changing it when I'm older.

Oh no I forgot to ask him for his age. What happens if he's like 13?! I'll go to jail! Or not. I can always delete my account.

[You]: Hey random question and I really hope you won't get offended by this but what's your age?

Sam!1! is typing...

[Sam!1!]: I'm 29


Sam!1! is typing...

[Sam!1!]: Oh my gosh I meant 19. Maybe correcting our mistakes is good xD

Oh thank the lord! And a guy who's older than me? This is amazing.

[You]: oh lol you gave me a scared. I'm only 17.

Sam!1! is typing...

[Sam]: :D

Yawn. I'm really tired.

Sam!1! is typing...

[Sam!1!]: Hey sorry to cut our funny conversation but i'm pretty tired.

[You]: Woah are you watching me? I just yawned. lolz but yeah i'll talk to you later!

Sam!1! is typing...

[Sam!1!]: Maybe I am watching you :o. Nice room. See you later Faith.

Are you sure you want to log off?

Logging off..

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