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I'm going up to the stars one day, just like mom and dad. I'll make it this time, I'll prove to everyone I can do it too, by myself. No one can tell me otherwise.

Its been hard, I've lived in my own for a while now. I still go to school, I get by. I use the money from what my parents would have been paid. I'm running out though, it's to be expected after 5 years of living on my own. Still, I'm not completely alone, the landlord looks after me and checks in with me every now and then, but when I'm around her I wish I was alone, she's so nasty. They kids at school even call her a witch. The land lord keeps telling me I need to find a job or otherwise she's gonna kick me out right when I run out of money for rent, even if I keep telling her that i'm only 14 years old, she has no heart that woman. I can't leave just yet, i'm still working on the space ship nearby. Me and dad starting working on it when I was smaller, something just for me, but we never finished it for obvious reasons...

Even though life is kinda rough right now, there is one thing that makes me truly and all i have to do is look up, and it's right there. The vast world of space, the most mysterious plain. Many nights i don't sleep till sunrise, i just sit on the roof of the apartment building and stare for hours. Seems so close but is incredibly far away. One day though I will be able to touch it, be surrounded by it, just like mom and dad. I work hard on the ship day and night, I'm getting closer to my goal but I need pieces that are hard to obtain.

I may be young but I am very capable and know what I'm doing. My parents taught me a lot about engineering and I watched them constantly when they were working on their ship and eventually me and dad started working on one together. Im underestimated a lot, but it doesn't phase me as it used to, because I'll prove to them that I can do it, that I am capable.

School starts back up tomorrow, new classes but same old students. I really don't want to go but I know I have to. At least I get to see Ash, he's my only friend, aside from Rochi (who is a stray cat in the neighborhood). Ash has always backed me up in anything but unlike me everyone actually likes him because he strides to be successful in life. Even so, he has never talked down to me and pushes me to my goal, and for that i am truly grateful, and when the time comes i hope to ask him to come along with me to my journey into space.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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