Chapter Two

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As the months went by and Colette became more and more accustomed to her life in Ravenstone. It was the good life. She had grown close to her new friends. She even volunteered to work behind the bar in the tavern at night. The summer storms were easing off and so the glorious weather was returning once more. Colette awoke to the beautiful rays of sun beaming into her small cozy room. She rose from her slumber and made her way over to the window, admiring the wild untamed and untouched landscape before her. So peaceful and so beautiful. The day began with her getting dressed and making her way to the local gunsmith in the village. She had received a contract from the Thug leader last night during yet another one of the many sleepless intoxicating music filled nights in that tavern. Colette made her way through the small cobbled streets  listening to the chatter of those who passed her by. She made her way to the end of the main street through the village and turned off down a small old stone alleyway, pulling her hood up as she passed the few sketchy scattered people all of which avoided any eye contact with her. The alley ended and opened up into a small square courtyard that seemed bleaker than the rest of the village. The seats in its center were overgrown with vines of ivy and the small square was full of the sound of horses neighing in the stables. Colette heard the clanking of steel and smelled the scent of hot metal and steel before her eyes could find the gunsmiths small delapidating stall. She cautiously approached the gunsmith who had his back to her as her worked on forging some kind of weapon. The well built man stopped his work and spoke."I've been expecting you, Colette."

The strong looking man turned around to face her and greeted her with a wolfs mischievous grin. He let out a hearty laugh. "Don't look so alarmed, Your friend over there told me to expect you" he said pointing across the courtyard with the blade in his hand. Colette looked across the way to find the Arawn watching them. He waved across to them. Colette turned back to the blacksmith."So then you can probably guess what I'm going to ask you for."  "Well your friend over there was kind enough to order and pay for your required equipment before your arrival" he replied a smirk on his face. "How considerate" she mused as the blacksmith handed her the bundle of weapons and armour all freshly cast, ready for battle. She gave him her thanks before making her way over to Arawn. He was waiting for her, a smirk spread across his face "You're welcome" he said before she had a chance to speak. "Thanks, but just how did you know I would show up here today?" Colette questioned.  "I didn't I just happened to have business here myself today" he replied. "Oh and whats that?" "Well I asked the blacksmith to commission me a new sword, kind of like a great sword, you know something devastatingly fierce looking." Arawn said as his eyes gleamed at the thought of his new weapon. Colette rolled her eyes at this. Typical men she thought to herself.  "So as the once queen of the assassins I assume you have a plan for tonight's mission right? he asked still half daydreaming about his sword. "But of course, everything should go according to plan" she said confidently as they walked among the crowds.  "Good, you should go prepare anyway, good luck, Colette" Arawn said as he bid farewell.  Colette made her way back to her apartment and spread out the bundle of weapons and armour the blacksmith had cast her. Two katanas, two Chinese ring daggers, a pack of throwing knives and a set of new arrows for her bow. Once Colette had started these mercenary missions the first chance she got she had gone and purchased a brand new bow. Her most trusted weapon. There was also a bulletproof undershirt. She had to admit Arawn knew her taste. Colette studied the map again of where her target would be. She had gone from feared assassin to hired goon. How the mighty had fallen. The target she was protecting would be meeting with a group of high case drug dealers a few miles just outside Ravenstone. She would take her steed now known as Toireann meaning thunder in Celtic. For the last thing her enemies usually heard was the thundering of his hooves before she would cut them down. If the meeting went bad she would have to kill the whole gang, much to her hidden pleasure. It would in its own sense be some form of justice. By now it was evening time, soon it would be time to leave. Colette went over the plan one last time in her head before getting ready to change for the long night ahead.

When the sun had set Colette gathered her equipment threw on her dark robe and made her way to the stables. She saddled up Toireann and rode for the outskirts of Ravenstone. Ravenstone was like its own fantasy world to her. It was a village time had forgotten and few  to none knew about. Stepping outside of it was like being brought back to reality in a sense. Ravenstone was remote and surrounded by miles of nothing but mountains and woods. It was impossible to find if you were looking for it. Colette still pondered how she had come to be there. But maybe It was faith of some kind. By the time she arrived at the location the full moon had risen in the sky. The only light in the dead of this night. Toireann began to get a little nervous, trodding his feet. He could sense the gang approaching. They must be nearby. She patted his neck and soothed him."Easy boy, Its alright"  Colette dismounted him and tied him to a nearby tree. They were just on the outskirts of a small wood, staying out of sight until she was given the signal to approach. Just then a brash voice called from a close distance.                                                                                                                               

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