Chapter Five

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The night went on, the music blaring , people getting overly confident after one too many ales and dancing like there was no one around and of course Arawn leading them all in a hearty pub song and chant. Colette and Ari spent most of the night just watching and laughing at the lot of them. At some point the uneasy feeling in Colette's gut disappeared and before long she was dragging Ari up to his feet to join Arawn and the others in a joyful chant. This had become normal for her since she had stumbled across Ravenstone. In a way it was celebrating freedom and leaving their pasts behind in another way it was also a way of escaping it. It was about three in the morning before it started to die down and people started to head off home. At this time Colette and Ari grabbed a staggering Arawn on each side and the three of them made there way out to drop him at his home. As it was so late the streets were empty and silent except for the odd staggerer here or there. They brought him into the house and as Ari sat him down in the kitchen Colette went to the sink and poured him a glass of water. "Whats this?" Arawn questioned as he sniffed the glass of liquid. "Its vodka, drink up" Ari bluffed with a smile. Arawn did so. He put the glass on the table and frowned at it. "That didn't taste like any vodka I know." "It must be rather weak so" Colette pitched in nonchalantly. "Now come on, time to hit the hay my friend" she said as here and Ari lead him in the direction of his room. As they began to help him up the stairs a loud bang came from outside and followed a few seconds by a shriek of a woman. Colette and Ari looked at each other a bad feeling sinking into their gut. Colette walked down the hallway to the front door and opened it. She couldn't believe her eyes.

The air was filled with the shrieking and cries of people running for their lives as a small troop of men dressed in lack robes rode into the village firing off guns and slicing open whoever was unfortunate enough to cross their paths. Colette snapped out of her daze long enough to slam the front door shut. "What the hell is going on out there?" Ari asked. "The village is being attacked, we need to get out f here right now or were next" Colette said urgently as she rushed into the kitchen filled a glass of water and splashed it over Arawns face. He flung his arms around wildly growling at his non existent attacker. "Arawn, I need you to focus, we need to get out of here right now without being seen" she ordered. He waved a hand at Ari "Go get me my sword, I know a way, out the back door keep running straight and you'll end up in the woods after about a mile or two, but these are the part of the woods few go because anyone who has ever gone in hasn't come back out."  he warned as he took the sword off Ari and sheathed it. He led the way to the back door bracing himself for what was ahead of them. He turned "Remember stick together." "Wait" Colette interrupted, well never make it on foot but If I can go grab Toireann wed get there faster and wouldn't be so easy to pick off" Arawn considered this "Alright, there should be a clear enough path to the stables , Ari and I will draw them away and hold them off while you grab Toireann, everyone clear?" he commanded. Ari and Colette silently nodded. Arawn swung open the door sword in hand leading the way stealthily to the stables. The screams of people being butchers was hard to block out. A young woman trying to escape one of the men on horse back trying to outrun him he sliced her straight across the back and she stumbled to the ground right before he plunged the sword straight through her chest and moved on. Arawn stopped and took cover behind the corner of a building, crouching low beckoning the others to do so. There were four men around the stables two guarding the horses making sure no one tried to escape and two who seemed to be interrogating and beating up the stable master and his apprentice. "Alright Ari lets see what you're made of" Arawn taunted as he got ready to move in and attack. "Wait, both of you be careful wont you?" Colette said worriedly her gaze directed at Ari. They gave her a reassured nod and unsheathing their weapons, ran towards the men. When they were distracted, Colette crept along the shadows of the surrounding buildings and then bolted across the way into the stables. It was pitch black the invaders had smashed the lights in the stables leaving her almost blind trying to feel her way around. "Toireann,Toireann!" Colette whispered urgently in the pitch black. Suddenly there was a soft neigh and the sound of hooves pawing against the ground. Colette made her way towards the sound opened the stable door and let Toireann out. She mounted him and rode out of the stables.

 As she looked around for Ari and Arawn a massive explosion went off in the distance, the building all along the way lighting up engulfed in the inferno. The she spotted something. One of the invaders lay dead on the ground at her feet. The light of the blazing inferno caught  the insignia stitched on the arm of his robes. It was the Assassins sigil. She urged Toireann on scanning the chaos of injured petrified citizens running for their lives for Ari and Arawn. Finally she spotted them. Arawn was surrounded by three guards a little girl cowering behind him as he struggled to fight them off. Ari was currently in a deadly looking sword fight with two of the assailants. They were viciously attacking him one wrong move and it was over. She had to do something. One of the invaders lay dead near her. Colette dismounted Toireann and quickly searched the body for any king of weapon. She got lucky and found a handful of throwing knives and a air of daggers. Colette quickly mounted Toireann and ran through the crowd towards Ari and Arawn just as Ari's blade was knocked from his hand.

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