{1} Nightfall in the Hall of Villainy

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"Bloody hell," I murmured to myself, cradling my wrist in my hand. Training for two days straight with only four hours of sleep was a horrible idea I had and yet I still felt like going with it. This was my fourteenth pair of wraps for punching the punching bag that hung down on the wall since I've bled through the other thirteen--Well, make it fourteen now. Unwrapping the bloodied punching wraps, I tossed them into the trash can filled with the others and I studied my knuckles.

The tips of my three fingers and my pinkie finger on both hands were trickling slowly with blood, and I hissed as I gently pressed my right hand over the left to stop the bleeding. Stupid idea, considering I could get my knuckles infected. Sighing, I ran my hands under freezing cold water without flinching. I was used to the pain the water brought me, since I drowned in the pond behind my house.

It was a dare my brother gave me, and I foolishly took it. Being the stupid 5-year-old I was, I tried swimming across the 19 degree water but something dragged me under. My therapist said it was my imagination since I was still young, but I knew something pulled me down. It felt like a hand yet at the same time, the thing was slimy.

I shivered and wrapped my hands up once again, checking the clock. 8:50 pm. The Museum of Ninjago History had a section called the Hall of Villainy that I worked in, and it was almost time for my shift as a security guard there. Sighing, I changed out of my training attire, tossing the dirty clothes into my laundry basket that was tucked behind the bedroom door. Slipping into my work outfit, I brought up my straight, white hair and shifted it into a messy bun as I tossed on my security guard cap over-top of it.

As I grabbed my keys to my black pick-up truck, I locked the door to my apartment behind me and walked over to the elevator. Pressing the bottom button lightly, I stood to the side in case anyone who was in elevator was coming out. With a loud and annoying ding, the elevator door opened and a man dressed in a black ninja suit with a golden dragon emblem on the right side of his shoulder walked out, brushing his shaggy black hair out of his face.

"Hey there, Miss," the black ninja greeted me as I slipped by and I bit my bottom lip in order to stop myself from groaning out loud in annoyance. I spun on my heel in the elevator and had my finger hovering over the lobby button before give a fake smile.

"Hello, Sir," I replied with the same manners he did, and I cringed inside. Papa would not like what I was doing.

"Do you happen to know where Miss Madeline Mae lives?" He asked my casually, and I felt my eyebrows knit together in confusion. Why would he be looking for me of all people? I let out a small laugh and placed on my plastic smile.

"Why yes, actually. But she really hates visitors but seeing as you are a member of the ninja..." I bit my bottom lip to act like I was thinking before sighing. "Why not? She's the farthest apartment door on the right." The ninja gave me a broad smile and started down the hallway, and I couldn't help but watch as he knocked on my apartment door.

"Excuse me!" I called down to him, and he turned to face me. Giving him a wicked grin, I called out, "I think she is heading out right now!" Even from here I could see his eyes widen as he runs toward the elevator to get to me but I pressed the button too soon. A thump was heard on the closed doors and I laughed, trying to breath as I waited in the elevator.

Instead of stopping at the lobby, the elevator came to a halt at the 4th floor, only a floor lower then mine, and as the doors opened I pushed myself against the wall as the red ninja walked in. He only gave me a questioning look before standing straight up, kind of giving him a look like a guard. Two ninja, I thought to myself, lowering my security cap. What in the world do they want with me?

The next two floors, the white and blue ninja also hitched a ride on the elevator. The three discussed something, which I thought was me, with a hushed tone that I honestly felt creeped out. At the lobby level, I pushed passed the red ninja as soon as the elevator doors opened and he growled at me, but I ignored it as I pushed open the glass doors of the apartment building.

Walking towards my truck, I unlocked the door and hopped inside, starting the car. With a soft and low purr, the engine ignited and I gave a soft smile, patting the old and worn seats.

"I miss you, Papa," I whispered quietly to myself. Turning to my left in hopes of closing my door, I yelped in surprise to find the black ninja leaning against my door. He gave me a smug grin, and I rolled my eyes. "Excuse me, I need to get to work." Pushing him off the door, he kept it open for a little bit and I sighed. "What?"

"So, Miss Mae, I presume, since you led me to your apartment and left me on the top floor," he started and I let out a small bark of laughter.

"What's so funny?" The ninja in red questioned me, glaring in my direction.

"The fact that this ninja here didn't realize there were stairs!" I announced, placing my head in my hand with my elbow on my knee. I saw him blush profusely as he backed away from the door, and I gave a small victory grin. "Sorry guys, but I got to go to work." Slamming my door closed, I put my joystick into reverse and backed out of my parking spot. The one in blue let out a small yelp of surprise, falling into the white one who fell into the red one who fell into the black one. I chuckled as I put my joystick back in forward and drove out of the parking lot, heading towards the Ninjago Museum of History.

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