{2} All of Ninjago is Out Celebrating

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I managed to pull up and park my truck behind the museum, turning off the engines and light and taking out the keys. Sliding the keys into my bag on my back which I always kept in the car, I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 9:00 p.m. Right on the dot. Searching through my bag after tossing my phone into the havoc, I pulled out my ID badge and held it in front of the monitor. The door clicked and I pushed through, entering the silent museum.

My shoes clicked against the marble floor as I made my way towards the back office where Jeremy was probably waiting for me so he could head home to his wife and two kids. My gaze was straight forward, but I couldn't help myself from watching the exhibits as I passed by them. Something in the air seemed off, and I turned my head quickly, standing still in the hallway of Villainy. When nothing satisfied my curiosity, I continued towards the security office and knocked on the door.

Jeremy opened the door, and I stepped inside before laying my bag on the counter. "Good night to you too, Mae," Jeremy joked as he shut the door and stood back at the monitors. His blonde hair was up in all directions, telling me he's been crazy over something, with his blue eyes darting from screen to screen. I stepped up next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You alright?" I asked him, trying to pinpoint what he was searching for. Jeremy shrugged, pointing to monitors number 3, 4, and 5. They were the cameras that overlooked the Hall of Villainy, the place I walked through in order to get here.

"I swear, it's probably my imagination with the lack of sleep, but there are two shadows that seem to keep popping up in the corner of my eyes," he replied, rubbing his eyes. Removing my hand from his shoulder, I leaned on the table full of monitors and examined the screens closely.

"Well, you go home and actually get some sleep." Facing him, I grinned. "The twins should probably be in bed by now, So get some sleep and a bit of alone time with Helen." Jeremy chuckled and ruffled my hair out of place, and I slapped his hands away.

"Alright, Mae." He picked up his own stuff he brought for work and started toward the door. "Oh!" He exclaimed before rummaging through his bag and tossing me a card. Catching it, I flipped it open. "Jamie and Jax's birthday is on Saturday. Thought you might like to come around since you have no kids of your own," he joked. I gave a soft smile and placed the card on top of my bag.

"Two days. Wow, such a great notice!" I explained with sarcasm, rolling my eyes. "And actually, your kids are my kids. What would you do without an amazing godparent like me?" Jeremy let out a bark of laughter and opened the door.

"I'll see you then, Mae." I waved to him as he exited and watched him on the monitors as he strolled through the halls on his way to the back door, making sure he was safe. Jermey was like a big brother to me, and I didn't want anything to happen to him. Especially since the twin's birthday was coming up.

I focused my gaze to the cameras in the Hall of Villainy and watched over him, widening my eyes as someone tossed themselves over top of him. Running out of the room, gun and flashlight in my hand, I scrambled to make my way towards the ruckus.

Jeremy's screams were muffled, and I held up the gun and flashlight towards the two attackers. Both of them were girls, one with her hair down and the other with a messy bun. The girl with the long black hair glared at her friend who only gave her an apologetic shrug.

"Let him go," I ordered quietly, my flashlight pointed towards the three. Jeremy had his wrists bound together with rope and a single strip of duck tape across his mouth. His eyes showed panic and fear, and I understood why: he didn't want what happened to him happen to his children.

"We only came for weapons," the girl with the blonde hair stated. I scoffed and cocked my gun.

"The only weapon you'll find here is my gun," I murmured, narrowing my eyes. The two girls glanced at each other before the black haired girl disappeared into the air. Widening my eyes from both the pain of being kicked in the stomach and the surprise of the girl standing on top of me, I took coarse and ragged breaths, the air knocked from my lungs.

{HIATUS} Day of the Departed ( A Ninjago Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now