A second part

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You and Shulk had become a couple, even though the other smashers were unaware. You hadn't realized the impact that he had on your life. You were truly happy.

Well, in your current moment you were feeling a bit more nervous than happy. 

Shulk had promised you that he would try to fix you back to the person you were before that horrible incident. He wanted to help you, and see a happier you that was confident with who you truly were. He wanted you to be able to be yourself without feeling like you needed to be (m/n) to be strong. He wanted you to be (y/n).

Shulk remembered how much it hurt to see you cry, saying that you missed your old self, so he was going to do his best to help you be yourself again.

"(Y/n), hurry up!" (B/n) called impatiently has he sat on the bed next to Shulk. They were currently in your room, waiting for you to exit the bathroom.

"I'm going, I'm going, jeez. Cut me some slack, it's been years since I've worn one of these, I'm having minor difficulties." You spoke from behind the closed bathroom door.

"The brah or the dress?"

"Shut up."

(B/n) laughed, one of his annoying yet happy smiles on his face. Shulk had to hold back some laughter as well, listening to the siblings conversating was rather intertaining.

(B/n) then leaned over towards Shulk. 

"Break her heart, and I break your spine." He said quietly before resting back in his previous position. All Shulk could do was just sit their awkwardly as (b/n) smiled like he didn't just say something terrifying.

The two males then turned their attention towards the bathroom door when they heard it creak open.

There stood (y/n), clad in a simple, yet cute dress.

Shulk gawked, never having seen her look like this before. 

"Wow.." he breathed out.

"Shulk, I tried my hardest, but I swear on everything I have, I cannot get this zipper zipped up." You groaned in annoyance. "Can you get it for me?" You turned around, exposing the zipper to him.

"U-uh, yeah." He replied simply, standing up from the bed and doing as told, ignoring the burning of (b/n)'s eyes on the back of his head.

You sighed in relief when the zipper was finally zipped.

"Remind me why I have to wear a dress again."

"Because I want to introduce the smashers to (y/n), not (m/n) without his chest binder."

You thought about how awkward that would have been if you went out looking like (m/n), but without the chest binder, deciding that Shulk was right.

Shulk took your hands in his.

"I want them to know you for who you really are, you deserve the chance to be yourself regardless of what others may think." Shulk spoke sweetly, smiling at you. You couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you." You breathed out, tears of happiness brimming in your eyes. Shulk leaned towards you and kissed the corners of your eyes, before planting a kiss on your lips. A blush arose on both of your cheeks.

"Anyways," (b/n) interrupted, sitting up from the bed and stretching, "let's go, I can't wait to tell everyone that you are my sister and not my brother."

"What's that supposed to mean? Was I not a good brother?"

"It was obvious that you were a girl, yet nobody knew."

You clicked your tongue in a sassy way, causing Shulk to giggle.

"Oh please, I'm a good actor."

"Or the people here are just idiots."

"Um, as one of those idiots, I'd like to believe (y/n)'a side of the argument."

You all laughed while heading towards the door.


You let out a shaky breath as you headed towards the cafeteria. Your anxieties were scratching and stirring within you. What if they didn't like the real you? What if they thought of you as pathetic for dressing as a man? What if they were creeped out?

All these questions tore through safe thoughts, spinning like a tornado of worry inside your mind. Shulk took notice of the scared expression you didn't know you had, and gave your hand a comforting squeeze. And just like that, the tornado calmed to a gentle breeze, and all was sound again.

You looked over at him to see his loving smile and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Thank you." You breathed out. Shulk just smiled wider.

The three of you had eventually made it to the cafeteria, and after you had gotten your lunches, you all went to sit in (your new) spot in the cafeteria.

As soon as you sat down, you got a few questioning looks from the people around you. You almost froze in place. Dunban was one of the only one who wasn't looking at you because Shulk had already told him that you were female, so he just sat there eating.

"Are you going to say anything, (y/n)?" Shulk questioned you, expecting you to tell them.

"Nah." You responded, eyes glued to your food, determined to avoid the gazes of the other smashers.

Shulk sighed while (b/n) just laughed.

"(Y/n)? Who is this?" Link questioned, attempting to clear up the confusing that hung awkwardly  in the air.

"My sister." (B/n) blurred out. Everyone connected the dots in their head, realizing that you were female all this time.

Thick silence chilled the air as your fears kept pulling at your mind. This was it, the secret is out and they probably all hate you think you are pathetic. There is just no way things could go back to the way they were when you were  happy. Your lip trembled, feeling like you were going to cry, when Shulk calmed you by squeezing your hand again.

"Seriously?!" Pit shouted in disbelief, suddenly having stood up from his chair, nearly giving everyone a heart attack. "All this time and I never found out?!"

Dark Pit laughed, "Of course you never found out, bird brain.". Link snickered at Dark Pit's remark. Pit angrily turned his attention towards his dark counterpart. "Hey! You didn't figure it out either, Pittoo!"

"Wow, (y/n), I'm impressed. I wouldn't have been able to pull off an act like that for so long." Lucina complimented, your worries diminishing.

You smiled, "thank you."

The conversation continued to carry out like nothing had happened, and you couldn't be more happy. Thanks to Shulk, you had the courage to be yourself again, something you previously had thought to be impossible. You smiled as looked about the room of smashers.

Maybe it was possible for you to be happy again.

SSB4 oneshot Shulk x cross dressing!readerWhere stories live. Discover now