Chapter 1 Part 1

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Did you ever wake up and say to yourself? What the hell? I do sometimes. I get up every morning looking forward to going to work and teach my kids dancing. That's right I said kids. I don't have children of my own so they are the closest to have children. I want children and we'll Sam says he doesn't. I've been married to Sam for 5 years. I met him freshman year in college. We started out as great friends and by sophomore year we were dating. Sam's a great guy and he's funny. Sam was studying business management. His dad wants Sam to run the company with his brother Ryder. I was studying dance and creative writing. I love writing poetry. Ryder Sam's brother in an asshole and I can't stand him. He is always flirting with me. So here we right 8 years later married. He is running the company and me running a dance studio. I wouldn't say it's the best married in the world but it works.

???: Brittany?!

Brittany: Yeah?!

???: I'm leaving to go to the office.

Brittany: (Walks down the strairs) Ok honey

Sam:(Leans up kisses Brittany) Ryder is taking you to the studio.

Brittany: Sam I can drive myself. I don't need Ryder to drive me.

Sam: Brittany we have been through this . Ryder is taking you and that's final. Do I make myself clear?

Brittany: Yes

Sam: Good I will see you later tonight. (Give's Brittany a quick peck on the lips walks out.)

Oh yeah did I forget to mention that Sam is very possessive and controlling? He has to know where I am at all times.

Ryder: (Walks in) You ready to go sexy? (Winks)

Brittany: (Rolls her eyes) Yeah

Sad thing is for me to get a break from the stress. Is at work. Today is Friday and I told Sam I'm going out with Quinn and Rachel for some drinks. He can't stand Quinn. She's not shy she tells him how she feels and what's on her mind. He hates the fact that she is a lesbian. He always says the only reason Quinn and I are friends is so she can get in my pants. I just laugh at him and tell him that he is nuts to think that. I really never thought about being with another woman. I do think women are beautiful and all but it never really crossed my mind.

* That night at the bar*

Quinn: So Brittany How did you manage to get out to night without Sam up your ass? (Takes a sip of her drink.)

Brittany: It wasn't easy I had to threaten to cut him off for 2 weeks. (Laughs)

Rachel: (Laughs) That's crazy!

???: (Walks up) Hey girls

Brittany: Hey Mercedes How are You?

Mercedes: (Sits down) I'm good How's the ass doing?

Mercedes is a great friend but she can't stand Sam either. She used to date Sam in high school and it didn't end to well.

Brittany: (Laughs) Sam's good

Rachel: Hey Brittany didn't you say Marley was coming?

Brittany: Yeah she texted and said she was running late.

Quinn: I can't wait to see Marley. I miss her

Brittany: Yeah me too. This is her last year in college.

Rachel: She's still in the police force right?

Brittany: Yeah she's been a cop for 2 years I think.

???: 2 years and 6 months to be exact.

Brittany: (Turns around) Marley! (Gets up and hugs her) How are You?

Marley: (Hugs back) I'm great Hey girls

Quinn: Hey my ass I better be getting a hug! (Hugs Marley)

Marley: (Hugs back laughs) Hi Rachel (Smiles)

Rachel: Hi Marley (Smiles)

Marley: Your looking more sexier every time I see you! (Winks)

Rachel: Thanks

Quinn: Hey you better stop flirting with my girl. (Giggles)

Everyone: (Laughs)

Everyone: (Laughs)

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Here was a little taste of what I'm working on

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Here was a little taste of what I'm working on. Please tell me what you think. If I get enough positive reviews I will continue to write.

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