Chapter 2

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Santana glares in disbelief at the computer screen. Wrong username/email and password combination is blinking back at her after her third failed attempt at logging into the studio's Twitter account. Muttering angrily in Spanish, she stands up and storms out of her office, quickly taking the elevator down one floor and stomping towards Quinn's office. Flinging the door open, she takes a brief moment to gloat at the amount of paperwork covering Quinn's desk, before narrowing her eyes at her best friend.

"What the fuck did you change the Twitter account password to, Fabray?"

Quinn doesn't even bother looking up. "Santana loves penis, all one word and all lowercase."

Santana blinks at Quinn before picking up an eraser sitting on the bookcase next to her and flinging it across the office, watching it bounce off Quinn's annoying head. Slamming the door on Quinn's protesting, she is about to go back to her own office when she notices a blond guy standing in the middle of the hall squinting down at a piece of paper in his hand.

"Can I help you with something?"

The guy spins around, and the first thing Santana notices are his lips. They're huge. Like, Santana thinks this guy may be in possession of the biggest mouth she's ever seen, and she's known Rachel a painfully long time. If this guy and Berry had a kid, they'd probably just come out a giant mouth. Horrifying.

Fish Lips gapes at Santana for a minute before deciding to open his massive mouth and actually clue Santana in on what he's doing lurking in the middle of their studio.

"Hi! Uh, my name's Sam. Sam Evans, I'm, um, looking for Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray? I have an interview with them."

Santana glances at her watch and realizes it's almost noon, and therefore time to start interviewing what she expects will be a lot of morons and only a few potential new employees. Mornings really fly by when you're plotting ways to subtly put hair dye in your best friend's shampoo. She glances back up at Sam and tells him to follow her.

"I'm Santana, nice to meet you." She sticks her hand out in greeting, deciding that she'll be polite and nice to as many of the interviewees as she could, so as not to completely ruin their chances at expanding their staff. Sam grins goofily at her and shakes her hand.

Santana leads him into Marley's old office where they'll be conducting the interviews and tells him to have a seat and wait while she fetches Quinn.

Quinn glares at her as she walks into her office. "Come to throw more stationery at me, Lopez?"

Santana rolls her eyes. "The first guy we're interviewing is here. Sam something or other. He kinda looks like a male version of you. Except with a huge mouth. And he probably doesn't have a stick wedged up his ass."

It's Quinn's turn to roll her eyes as she stands and brushes her hands over her top, getting rid of imaginary dust and lint. Like Quinn would ever be seen as anything less than immaculate. Grabbing the folder full of questions to interrogate the interviewees with, she brushes past Santana and walks down the hall without a word.

Sam looks up as the two women sweep into the office and his eyes widen slightly as he gulps loudly. Santana doesn't really blame him. If she was suddenly faced with two smoking hot women in business suits her brain function would probably lessen significantly as well.

Quinn smiles at Sam as she sits down opposite him. "So, Sam was it?" Sam nods, returning the smile nervously. "I'm Quinn. I'll just ask you a few questions while Santana here looks through your portfolio. First off, how are you?"

Santana smirks at Sam's confused look as she picks up his portfolio. Evidently the rumors of Quinn and herself not being the mostly friendly of people have managed to infiltrate art schools now.

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