Urban Legends and Vengeful Spirits, part 1

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You've all heard the one about the hook man, right? A guy and a girl making out, they hear on the radio that a deranged killer is on the loose, recognizable because he's got a hook for a hand. The girl gets spooked and says she wants to go home. Here's where the story goes in two directions. If the guy goes along with it, if he's gallant and takes her home, they arrive at the girl's house-to find a hook prosthesis dangling from one of the door handles.
If the guy doesn't go along with it, if he decides he'll just take a look around outside to settle the girl's nerves so they can get back to business, then a short time later the girl hears a strange scraping sound on the roof of the car. She gets up her nerve, looks outside-and finds her boyfriend dead, hanging from a tree over the car. The scraping sound is the boyfriend's fingernails on the roof.
That's a nice little cautionary tale against trying for second base after the movie, right? Well, sometimes spirits use our stories to give them form. There are some real, nonsupernatural stories about killers stalking lovers' lanes-anyone ever hear of the Son of Sam? And remember how he swore he saw a black dog telling him to kill? More about black dogs later...
Before the Son of Sam, right after World War ll, there was a lovers' lane killer in Arkansas. Since then, we've read about cases in Los Angeles; Norman; Oklahoma; all over the place. Some of them we've looked into and found a vengeful spirit who's a little too hung up on teenage chastity.
Once we actually ran into a hook man. A killer with a big nasty hook for a hand. He put on a big show of morality and then went out at night and killed whoever he'd decided was immoral. Prostitutes, mostly, since they were easy targets. His evil persisted after his death, even after his hook had been melted down and recast into-of all things-a necklace given by a father to his daughter. The father was a pastor who didn't always practice what he preached, if you get our drift, and his daughter's troubled mind brought the hook man back through her necklace. Classic haunted object, classic vengeful spirit.

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