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Until we ran into one last year, the only thing we knew about rakshasa was that Kolchak the Night Stalker once ran into one. (Thanks to Ellen at the Roadhouse for fleshing things out. You other hunters will know what we're talking about.) Rakshasas come out of Hindu myth, where they are a kind of demon of chaos. They disrupt sacrifices, desecrate graves, eat people. Also, they can change shape, usually into human form or the shape of a large bird. And that's not to mention the invisibility. Oh, and the ability to animate dead bodies.
The one we ran across was following the low-rent carnival circuit around the hinterlands, working as a blind knife-thrower. It lay pretty low most of the time, but every generation or so it would spend a couple of weeks taking the shape of a clown to beguile children into letting it into their houses.
Then it killed and ate the parents, and left one seriously traumatized kid behind. You can imagine how it made us even more than usually eager to put it down when we investigated and discovered all the nasty stuff it was up to. A rakshasa can be killed with a knife made of pure brass... If you can find it. Did we mention the invisibility?

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