Chapter Thirty

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Later that evening, Seraiah lifted the skirts of the finest dress she had ever worn and prepared to be presented to a room full of elves.

Ariya would love this dress, she thought, looking down at herself.

The skirt was a confection of floor-length tulle in a pale green. Green silk, a shade darker than the skirt, made up the bodice, which was embroidered with tiny pink and white flowers. Sleeves in the same tulle as the skirt covered her from shoulder to wrist.

Wisteria had pinned her hair up in a braided crown and tucked flowers into it. Seraiah could smell their perfume every time she moved. To finish the look, Wisteria had lined her eyes in a glittering gold, drawing out elaborate swirls on her temples that called attention to her brown eyes.

Seraiah had never felt more like a princess.

She took a deep breath and then stepped through the double doors, getting her first look at the room below her.

It was alive with a gentle hum of conversation, and to her relief, no one had looked up at her entrance.

"Seraiah Visrel of Ratha," a hidden voice announced, booming out over the room.

She didn't recall ever telling anyone her family name, Seraiah thought as she stared down at what might possibly be the longest flight of stairs she had ever seen.

The announcement of her name was met with instant silence.

Seraiah pulled her gaze up from the stairs and froze in place as she found every eye in the room boring into her.

Vaguely, she heard the disembodied voice announcing someone else, and Seraiah knew she should move to walk down the stairs, but all those eyes were holding her in place.

There was a light touch on her shoulder as whoever had been announced came up behind her. The crowd below dropped into curtsies and bows, and Seraiah pulled her gaze away from the lowered faces to find Kai next to her.

The stares, she realized, hadn't been entirely for her. They were also for him.

Kai was dressed head to toe in white with gold stitching. The top half of his hair was pulled back to expose his pointed ears, and the gold circlet she'd seen him wearing earlier had been replaced by a more elaborate crown of golden leaves studded with green gemstones, the like of which Seraiah had never seen.

"Come on," he said softly, taking her hand and placing it in the crook of his elbow. "Don't let them see your fear, or they will pounce on it and use it against you."

Easier said than done, she thought as he led her forward. She could feel the tension in Kai's arm through his sleeve, yet his face gave nothing away. Outwardly, he appeared perfectly at ease.

Seraiah tried to remember what Sterling had done when people would stare at her gray hair.

Her brave little sister had held her chin high and ignored them. On the rare occasion, she even dared to smile at them until they were the ones to look away in embarrassment. Seraiah lifted her own chin and tried to channel her sister now.

Kai let his court hold their bowed positions as, together, they made their way to the floor. "Rise," he finally commanded when they had reached the last step. The crowd rose almost as one and returned to their conversations.

Seraiah smiled in relief and removed her hand from Kai's arm as Kestrel, wearing a gown the color of new grass, came up to join them.

Her relief was short-lived though, as she heard snippets of the conversations around them.

"Why is she here?" someone asked.

"A human," someone else spat with distaste, not even bothering to keep their voice down. "At a court celebration?"

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