A Barbaric Place

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   The first thing I noticed about the settlement was the noise. God, it was the loudest place I've ever been, including when I attended the Shipeterafl tournament. I stepped out of the stall I was in, only to realize I'm in a larger room, filled with many more of these tiny stalls. I saw a sign, and it read "bathroom." Ah, this must be a museum, showcasing what the ancient bathrooms looked like. I shook my head, smiling to myself before locked myself back into the room, and tugged up my robes. Gasping, I realize the knife had embedded itself in my leg.

    Biting down on my scarf, I pulled it out, grabbing the healing pad in my purse. I applied the pad, laying it face down on my skin and bit my lip as it got to work. A few minutes later, I pulled it off, studying the wound. The pad had sterilized it. I smile as I realize most of the pain was gone, and I put the pad back in my bag before I stood back up.

     I exited the bathroom, and gasped as I realized that I was hopelessly lost. As I turned around, I realized that it wasn't just the bathroom that was old fashioned. It was the entire colony. Everything, from the motionless sidewalks, to the cars on the ground, was from at least 200 years ago. 

     Unless, of course, this is a primitive planet, and not a settlement. Could it be that this is an original planet? I've never been to one before. Now, I see exactly why my father refused to allow me. This entire place is barbaric.

I'm trapped, for the rest of my life, in a barbaric place.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: I know this is short, but I haven't updated in forever and I wanted to get this published already. I hope it's good, I'd love to have some feedback, or ideas on how this could continue! Thank you so much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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