Chapter 3

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he sat there waiting for me to reply, time was passing by and i couldn't think of an excuse i could tell him, and by the inpatient look growing on his face i could tell my time was running out. 

"i accidently spilt my food on a student today , i didnt mean too i just tripped" 

i felt myself starting to shake , my palms were sweaty as i played nervously with my fingers.

mike let out a small grunt , standing up smoothing down his jeans tucking in his white stained vest top, he trudged  towards me knocking a couple over empty beer bottles. stumbling backwards he caught his balance. glaring at the bottles , with a confused expression on his face he looked back up at me.His pupils were large and he couldn't seem to focus on one thing. He was drunk. completely drunk i wanted to laugh at how pathetic he was getting intoxicated when its only just passed lunch time. 

He walked slowly towards , i could tell he was trying his hardest to walk straight but it wasn't working. 

"liberty" his voice came out rough. 

he grabbed the sides my face bringing me closer to him. 

"my sweet baby sister" he said in a softer voice as he  started running his fingers through my hair. 

i start to shake even more as i look down.

"what has gotten into you are you scared of me ?" 

i shook my head. He let out a small chuckle "good libby"

my body stiffened. Nobodies called me that since my mum.

tears started to block my view as images of the pass come crashing through my mind. my dad laying there not breathing ... my mums finally words to me. 

"dont call me that"  my throat was sore and my voice sounded croaky.

mike looked at me with surprise but then glared at me "or what" 

his voice sounded dangerous, his was testing me seeing if i had the courage to answer back. 

and i did. I didnt know where this bravery came from , but i push him forward he let go of my face. 

"Only mum can call me that and she's" i yelled but i stopped myself from finishing the sentence. I gulped as mike went red with angry. 

"And she is what libby"  he snapped. i shook my head 

"answer me" he was screaming his eyes were glass like he minutes from crying 

"she's dead"  i muttered 

"yes she's dead and do you know who's fault that is?" 

i stood there silent , more and more tears rolling down my cheek. 

"Its yours liberty , its all yours" i watched in disbelief as tears started rolling down his cheek. 

"If you wasn't acting like a god damn brat they'd still be here. this is all your fault" 

"no" i sobbed shaking my head "i didnt mean to'' 

"i don't care, this is all on you , you killed our parents liberty" 

"just accept it , your so weak you can't even admit it , your nothing literally nothing but a-" 

"Fine! i'll admit it I killed our mum and dad im a murder.Are you happy now , does this make you feel better?" my voice was bitter , i had so much anger i didnt know what to do with myself. 

Mike stared at me for what felt like forever before he stood up. 

"Im going" with that he took his jacket storming out , slamming the door shut. with that i broke down sliding down the wall bring my knees to my chest crying my heart out.

The next day came quickly, i woke up at 5am but instead of doing what i normally i just laid there staring at the ceiling. 8 O'clock came around and i was in the kitchen dishing up breakfast.  mike came down stairs. his face was hard , eyes sunken in. he didn't even look at me. ignoring the breakfast i made he headed straight for the door. 

"i got some business to attend to , wont be back home until 11" without even waiting for a reply he left. i sighed to myself leaving shortly after him for school.

when i arrived for school I looked everywhere for Dylan but couldn't seem to find him anywhere.

it started to frustrate me and i rolled my eyes in annoyance.  

The school bell rang and i headed to m first class deciding to find him later.

The day passed and there was still no sign of him. 

it was now fourth period, I had media studies with Mrs Morgan . I walked to the sit in the back of the class and brought out my books needed for the class and tried paying  attention to class.

mrs morgan stood up from her chair , removing her glasses from her eyes placing them on her head " today in class we are going to be starting a project and will be working in-" the teacher was cut off by the door slamming open.

finally he's here. Dylan Isaac standing their with a smirk on his face.

"mr Isaac so nice for you to join us" Mrs Morgan said sarcastically

he didn't answer her just rolled his eyes and walked towards his sit.

"ok before I was rudely interrupted" Mrs Morgan stared glaring at dylan playfully which made the class laugh.

 the teacher continued " we'll be starting a new project . you be working in pairs . you'd have to film something that interests you , like a documentary ." she handed a sheet of paper to each student

"I'll also be choosing your pairs" the class groaned and Mrs Morgan started calling names out.

i waited patiently to see who i'd be paired up. "Dylan?" the teacher looked him " can you please go sit by liberty she'll be your partner for this project"  I looked up and gulped . I meet Dylan eyes and he looked at me cold.

"ok class go sit by your partners"

Dylan stood up and walked over towards me.

"you got my jacket?" he asked

I nodded and handed it to him

"smells like lavender" he said coldly

"sorry" I mumbled

he sighed and sat next to me. I can feel him burning holes at the side of my head.

I caught his eyes "why you keep on looking at me" asked uncomfortably

"why happened to your face" he asked

my eyes widen.

"oh urm nothing" I tried to hide my face with my hair.

"whatever , what do you want to do this stupid project about?" he said in a bored tone.

"its up to you , if I can just do it myself and say you helped" It would be easier if i did it myself 

he sighed "no i'll help" 

i nodded my head

the bell rung and he stood up

"meet me outside the car parking after will go to my house to think of ideas"

I had to think a little while , if mike found out id be dead. but he told me he wouldn't me back tell 11:00 so I guess i'll be alright?

"ok" I said

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