Chapter 8

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It's been seven days since Dylan saved me , I've been waiting for a phone call from the police since that day but it never came.

most of my bruises have faded , I look like it just fell down of something.

Samantha bought me some new clothes , and I decide to wear a pair of knee length leggings  and a baggy top.

I went downstairs to see . Lisa ,  Samantha and Dylan sitting at the table , Lisa and Samantha had tear in her eyes and Dylan looked ready to kill.

"hey, whats up? why does everyone look so sad" I asked

"We got a call from the police" Lisa said

Right then my heart stopped. and I pretty sure the colour drain out of my face.

"And?" I asked

"He escaped" Dylan spat

Suddenly I felt sick , my chest tighten

"No"i whispered

i began to shake as i started to panic 

Lisa came towards me and pulled my into a tight hug.

"No , he can't be" I cried into Lisa's shoulder

"Shh" Lisa said brushing my hair

"I should of kill the bastard when I had the fucking chance" Dylan yelled , he looked anger but when his eyes met mine guilt flashed through his eyes

"And what would that achieve , huh?" Lisa yelled

"He would be dead and you would ended up in fucking prison" she continued

I was completely taken back , Lisa never swore

"For fuck sake mum! I shouldn't of let him get away with it , not like dad got away with it"

Everyone went quite, Sammy looked shocked and Lisa had hurt flashed through her eyes. Me on the other hand was completely confused

"How dare you" Lisa spat

"Do you know what I'm going out" Dylan stormed out

The door slammed shut making me flinch

"I'm so sorry you had to hear that" Lisa said

"It's ok" I said

Lisa walked and Sam followed

"Mum his right" I heard Sam

"He shouldn't of let her brother get away with , look what happen to us , dad got away and now we're living in fear that he might come back" Sam cried

"We haven't seen him in 5 years I don't think he's coming back" Lisa cried back

I opened the door and the both looked at me .
And I can't help but feel like this is all my fault , I mean if I was more careful Dylan wouldn't have found out and then his family wouldn't be arguing right now

"I'm so sorry this is all my fault" I said tears going down my cheek

"Sweetie none of this is your fault" Lisa assured

"But If I was more careful Dylan wouldn't of found out" I cried

"And then you would of been dead" Lisa said bluntly

"I know but-" Lisa cut me off

"I want to show you something" she said we both sat Down on the sofa

"Do you know the reason why Dylan hated abuse so much" she asked

I shook my head

She sigh " about 5years ago erm , Dylan's dad used to abuse me , badly" she let out

"One day his dad got mad and poured acid on my side and back" she pulled her top up and I gasped

"He also made me lose my baby , I've fell pregnant three times and every time I've lost the baby because of him" her voice cracked

"I'm so sorry"
She gave me a sad smile

"Every since that day Dylan was as hard as a rock , always kept his guard up , he started doing drugs alcohol and then he started fighting , in gangs , he over comes that phase , but carried in fighting but instead his does it for good , well sort of he is a boxer and very good one might I add" she let out a fake laugh

"But when he was younger he used to love to sing , he was amazing but then that day everything changed" she looked at the floor

I heard the door open ,Dylan came in with a bruise on his face and a bloody nose

"Gosh Dylan what have you done" Lisa got up a got a first aid kit out

"I got into a fight , and if you are  wondering I won" he gave his mum an innocent smile

He looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

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