~Chapter twenty-four~

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Rylan picked up his phone when he was back in the office in the basement.

"Hey." He picked up Adeline a phone call. He was stressed. "Are you okay?"

"Ry, what's going on?"

"I don't think you want to know." He admitted, but he knew she would want to.

"Tell me."

"Maybe you should come down..." He told her and she seemed apprehensive. "I can do more from the office."

"Could you come and meet me at the entrance door something? I don't know where I'm going..." She admitted and he agreed.

"Baby, could you bring me a plasma pack? I need one. Lucius is going crazy." He asked her and she nodded.

"Which one?"

"Should be labelled, number 4 or 5, the deer from our last hunt."

"Sure." She picked it up, afraid she would spill it.

He met her at the entrance and helped her get through security as she didn't have an ID card or programmed thumbprint yet.

They went into the office and she passed him the plasma pack from her backpack.

"Thank you, beautiful. I just need to calm down." He told her, his eyes flicking between forms as he unsealed the top and drank for a few seconds from the cap.

"What's happened...?" She asked.

"There was an attack on a man, he got bitten, but I've been told he's stable and in the medical centre... The attacker left a note." He passed her the note, which was now in a plastic sleeve, they were taking fingerprint tests on it.

"Oh.," she said quietly.

"The interview with Harris revealed that whoever this person is, is trying to do the same thing again but with more... Women." He admitted and Adeline nodded.

"Are you okay with me calling you Ry? I know I have... It isn't something that triggers anything is it?" She asked, referring to "Ry Ry" in the letter.

"No, of course. You're fine. it was something the guards used to taunt me with when I was first there, it wore off after a few weeks, but he remembered. He's been informed that I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I've just upped the simulation injections that stop the prisoners from mind linking, I thought it was enough but obviously not if he's been informed."

"What about silver or wolfsbane?" She asked, not sure why he want using it already.

"Brings back bad memory, I think it's only suitable as a last resort. I've been in charge of these prisoners since they got here."

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked and he nodded.

"I just need to be here in case the border patrol guards find any other evidence of the attacker... I evaluated my father's​ border patrol rotas and they're crap, I need to re-do them and put more on. I think we should do this now."

"Let's do it now, together." She suggested, going behind his chair and massaging his shoulders lightly, trying to calm him. He instantly relaxed under her touch, focusing himself on his work.

They sat for a few hours, with no news of the attacker, they did the paperwork they needed and sorted out the rota.

"These plasma packs... Does it matter how many you have?" She asked, sitting beside him.

"I'm meant to have one every few days... But if I need to calm Lucius down, He'll drink one... I won't need one for 2 or 3 days now." He explained, clicking away at the screen.

"We're done." He said attaching the document to several emails and sending them off. He looked over at Adeline. "The guards are very good at sorting things themselves."

In good timing, the office phone rang. Rylan answered the phone and clicked the button to put the call on speaker.

"Rylan, I just wanted to call to let you know that the man who was attacked is fine. He's staying in hospital overnight, but he needed 12 stitches." Brody told him and he nodded.

"Good. Any news from the border patrol?"

"Nothing yet," Brody said quickly.

"Okay. Ring my mobile if there's any news please, we're going to go to the house..." Rylan said quietly.

"Will do, alpha."

"Not quite yet, Beta," Rylan replied and Brody chuckled slightly. This was all happening so soon.

"I'll see you soon, have fun." He replied before Rylan hung up.

They got back up from the basement and walked the long way to the house, both needing some air. When they arrived, Taylor and Ryan were helping the removal guys take on their sofa, which was currently upside down and halfway through the front door.

"Here." Rylan stepped in and helped them, it took a lot less time with Rylan there. He didn't look strong, but he had an alpha's blood. The sofa was covered in plastic but looked amazing and fit perfectly into the lounge.

"Do you like it?" Rylan asked Adeline, walking over and putting an arm around her waist.

They had picked it out yesterday along with some other basic furniture.

"Of course I do! It looks nice." Adeline replied, looking around at their house which was filled with boxes already.

"The cabinets arrived then?" Rylan asked rhetorically, walking over and looking at them closer. He nodded approvingly.

"Have you started moving stuff over already?" Adeline asked going to one of the boxes.

He looked guilty... "Maybe..."

"As in what?"

"I got the boys to box up some of my old photos and stuff mum had kept from when I was little. I haven't touched our stuff yet." He told her and she nodded, leaving the boxes alone, she didn't want to trigger anything.

"What can I help with?" Adeline asked. The boys were bringing more stuff in from outside.

"Nothing, you can relax..." Rylan told her, standing up. "In fact, where do we want this?" He asked referring to the TV cabinet. The sofa was across the room, and the coffee table was still wrapped up in front of it.

"Maybe in the corner? The TVs big enough." She told him, that was arriving tomorrow. "But it's your choice too, what do you think?"

"The corners perfect, baby," he told her, picking it up with ease and moving it across to the corner. He unwrapped it from the plastic and got to work with attaching the handles onto the TV cabinet and the coffee table.

Adeline made herself useful and went into the kitchen, sorting out all of the utensils and appliances that had already arrived. She loved organising.

"Did we buy all of these, Ry?" Adeline asked from the kitchen. He appeared behind her, almost as if he had transported himself and she gasped slightly.

"What did you just do?" She asked, turning round to face him.

"I'm practicing... Lucius is trying to show off..." He told her and she smiled. "No, mum gave us the microwave and the kettle as they matched the colour scheme we chose, and she was buying new ones."

"How are you getting on?" She asked.

"The boys are constructing the bed, I've put the rug down, and the handles are done."

"I'm excited now." She said looking around, he put his arms around her waist.

"So am I, beautiful... So am I..." 

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