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    Now I know this is confusing, but it wasn't always just me and Marcella, there was another one in our trio. But all that ended two weeks ago over the stupidest thing. Now both Drew and Marcie are melodramatic, meaning when they fight, it's  usually over something really stupid and is more taxing than any normal fight.
    The current fight is over something a little more serious than usual but it will blow over, it has too. Ok so this is probably really confusing right now so let's start at the beginning.

One week after graduation

       " Dude! Don't be such a baby about this! It's necessary for human survival," Marcie stated matter a factly.
        " No, I am not doing this, you have reached a new level of insanity!  Why?" Drew exclaimed, confused by the fact that she would be even asking such a question.
           "It's a valid point of why she would want you to do it, but I could see why don't want too." I said trying. To input my opinion!
       " See! Bell agrees with me! And she isn't crazy!" Marcie said. Now that statement is a bold faced lie, I wasn't normal, if anything I was probably more crazy then both of them but I wasn't going to contradict her right now. As of this moment I needed to be the parent and be cool and collected... Yeah.... that's wasn't going to happen.
         " Shut up Marcie!" He groaned " That's so stupid, she IS crazy!" Drew exclaimed voicing my thoughts.
      Now you might be wondering what was happening right now. Well it all started because of the TV show "New Girl", it's about this girl who lives with three guys and goes through her life and whatnot. My friends and I started the show and binged watched the first season within 24 hours. Yea I know. Sad.  Anyways, we were watching this episode where the main girl Jess accidentally walk in on her roommate's bedroom and he's naked and sees his thingy. But that's not the part that caused the problems in my life. See it's when the other roommate Schmidt who happens to be best friends with guy demands to see it too. Obviously the guy( Nick) refuses like any other normal person. But when Schmidt found out everyone else had seen it, he got all jealous and became a rampage.
       Back to reality, now Marcie wants to see Drew's, and it's all because of a tv show. Yea we are weird. So on the show it talks about how if Nick dies and they have to identify him and all that was left was his thing then how would Shmidt know?   
      Of course Marcie had to take that statement seriously and it became a whole situation in which both are going to lose.
      "Yea. Well I still need to know! Come on. Bell, you agree right?"  She asked me being in the conversation.
       "Mhmm," I added. I wasn't about to tell her I had already seen it. Before everyone freaks out, Drew and I are cousins who have been together since before we were born, practically raises as siblings, and unfortunately embarrassing ones at that. Like literally our parents put us in matching outfits and forced us into photoshoots until after we were old enough to learn to realize their calendars and coincidentally be busy. It's kind of confusing. We were cousins but not direct lineage, since we lived in the same area we grew really close.
          I would want to continue this story but that would take way too long. So long story short a lot of popcorn was gone to waste, hair was cut, and I am STILL finding glitter and feathers in my room, and they haven't talked to each other since. But to be honest I think my room and I suffered most.

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