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Alexa's P.O.V

''Jangiya are you up yet'' someone said in my ear the voice I knew it right away.

''Not... really''I said both asleep and awake I felt his lips press against my cheek immediately I died when I felt that and blushed like crazy. Unfortunately for me he noticed my reaction to this and he laugh I look up to see him looking down at me.

''Good morning'' I said with a smile on my face still trying to fully wake up

''Lets go to the kitchen so I can prepare food for the others''said Jin as he got up

''Fine but only if I can help you'' I said as I got up Jin nodded his head as we walked out of his room

30min later

''Foods ready'' yelled Jin and I to make sure everyone could hear us and wake up.As every one rushed into the kitchen they got their food and we all sat at the table. As everyone sat down they all said ''Thank you Jexa '' Jin and I smiled at each other and started to eat

''Hey guys I have a great idea..''said J-hope

''What'' asked Rap monster while covering his mouth so we wouldn't be able to see him chewing his food witch I was very great full for because most boys don't have those kinds of manners

''We should go and watch a movie later'' J-hope said with a look of curiosity to know what we thought of his idea.We all nodded but then came the question

''What movie though''Kaylee said

''How about an action movie''said Suncee

''Or how about a comedy''said V

''Or a horror ''I said Kaylee looked at me when i said this she had this evil smile on her face and I knew she was going to say something to offend or embarrass me.

''Why so you have an excuse to be closer to Jin'' said Kaylee with the same wicked smile on her face.

I laughed at this and said '' Yup that is exactly why Kaylee.....No its not because I want to simply watch a scary movie'' I said sarcastically Kaylee and I laughed

''I actually wouldn't mind watching a scary movie'' siad Suncee

''Same'' said Rap Monster soon after we all agreed

''Okay it is settled we are watching a horror movie''said Jungkook

''Can you droop us of at our hotel so we can get ready'' Suncee Kaylee and I said after we were done eating.

''Sure'' said Jimin

7min. later

This time I was prepared and called shot gun because I didn't want it to be awkward again with Jin. So this time it was Kaylee who was sitting on Suga's lap( Pay backs a b**** I love you though....Don't hurt me) or as i like to call them....

I looked back at Kaylee giving me the death eye and I knew she could read my lips so I said ''Don't move'' With that I was dying in my seat Rap Monster was driving and gave me a very confused look but it didn't stop me from laughing my a*% off


We arrived at the hotel we said bye to the boys, thanked them for the ride and ran inside the hotel to our rooms and as we got in I screamed out

''I CALL TAKING A SHOWER FIRST!!!'' I said as Kaylee and Suncee sighed in anger

''Fine'' they both said rolling their eyes at me

Kaylee's outfit

Kaylee's outfit

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