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I WANNA APOLOGIZE FOR TAKING SO FREAKING LONG TO UPDATE AND THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE THAT ARE WAITING FOR THE UPDATES!! as of any of my other stories,Yes.I will take a lot of time to update them,my personal life isn't the greatest and i constantly get writers block. I will update as soon as i can,i again apologize for the updates being so few apart.I love you guys and I'm so happy this story is almost at 100 reads,i know that doesn't seem like much but it means a lot to me personally,the stories i put out are just ideas in my head and just come when ever they feel like it based on what show or fandom I'm currently in,which happens to be The twilight saga.GO TEAM JACOB!!!!!!!!! XD i am a slut for werewolves,hence my addiction to Teen Wolf. oml Scott you fucked me up....... X'D 


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