I have this constant endless feeling of drowning. One minute I feel like I'm coming up for air and I might be able to pull through but others I'm feel like I'm at the bottom of the ocean. Slowly sinking to my death.
It seems like no one understands how that feels to never know who you are, to never understand your place in this world. I see my friends begin happy and doing great things, but it's never me. It's almost as if I'm hard wired not to.
There are simple things I want out of this life. I want to be a baker. I want to study in France to understand the culture. I want to meet a great guy, get married and have four kids. I want to be happy to enjoy my years here. But sometimes that seems impossible and it sucks but that's my reality.
Things don't typically go right for me. I can't do what my friends do because my parents would literally kill me. But to be honest I don't fit in with half my friends. They're really popular and the other half are band nerds. I fit in with each group half of the time. Sometimes I'm confident and sociable (which is very rare) and others I wanna talk about anime and memes and be a kid. I don't understand my place and where I fall at.
My endless ocean consumes me whole.
Dear Diary, this the story of my life
AléatoireThis story is just me talking about what's going on in my life and how I feel. Please read if this is your cup of tea. Please be nice. May not update very often.