04 | part 1

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The other guardians agreed to watch Footloose with Gamora and Quill because it was Gamora's birthday and they would rather sit around for two hours than fight with Gamora (something they did for birthdays back on her home planet). Their place in Los Angeles was just as big as their home on Xandar, same essentials.

"Alright friend, this is Footloose." Quill pressed play and the music started, the feet were tapping.

Got-got to cut loose, footloose,

Kick off your Sunday shoes

"But I wear my shoes everyday and not just Sunday!" Drax exclaimed.

"It's a metaphor." all three guardians say at the same time.

"I am Groot." 'it's a metaphor.'

"Oh. I am not good at metaphors." Drax shook his head.

"We know, now shush." Quill waved him off, obviously already enjoying the movie he's seen a bunch of times before.

It was a dance party at the end of the movie, everyone jumping and dancing and showing off their horrendous moves.

"We're just like Kevin Bacon!" Gamora exclaimed, twisting and turning and jumping with a bright smile on her face.

"Just like Kevin Bacon." Quill nodded, laughing along with the rest of the guardians.

The ending credits rolled, everyone dropped onto the couches, out of breath.

"That's tiring, how do they not get tired!?" Drax exclaimed, pointing to the TV.

"They do, they just don't show them getting tired like us." Quill shrugged, walking into the kitchen. Grabbing four water bottles, he walked back into the living room, tossing one at each guardian (placing one next to Groot).

"Do I drink this?" Gamora and Drax studied the clear liquid.

"Yes, it's possibly the healthiest drink in the galaxy, and it's quite refreshing, try it." Quill took a sip from his own.

"How do I open it?" Gamora was pushing and pulling at the cap.

"Pass, I'll do it." Quill chuckled. Gamora handed the bottle over to Quill. Drax and Gamora watched as Quill twisted the cap and it popped off. Drax looked at his own and twisted it, it came off. Drax roared in success.

"Drax shut up there are people below us." Quill scoffed.

"No there are not." Drax looked under his feet.

"It's a metaphor." Gamora clapped Drax's shoulder and sat next to Quill.

"So now what do we do now that we've watched the famous Footloose?" Rocket asked.

"Whatever Mora wants to do, it is her day." Quill stretched his arms out behind him.

"Can we go out tonight? Like, to dinner?"

"Of course we can, what kind of food do you want?" Quill smiled as Gamora turned to him.

"Any food, whatever you think is best." Gamora shrugged.

"I'll go make reservations, be right back." Quill got up and headed down the hall and into his own room.

"So what are we supposed to do until then?" Drax asked, everyone staring at each other without anything to do.

"I am Groot!" 'We can order pizza!'

"That sounds like a good idea, Groot. I'll go tell Quill." Gamora got up and started to walk down the hall. Drax and Rocket started shoving each other and snickering.

Gamora knocked on Quill's doorframe just as he got off of the phone.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" Quill turned around from his spot on the bed and smiled at Gamora.

"Everyone wanted pizza, so I came here to tell you to order it." Gamora stood in front of him, overlooking the Star Lord.

"Alright, what kind? Pepperoni? Cheese? Meat lover's?" Quill looked up to meet Gamora's chocolate colored eyes.

"What is this meat lover's pizza?" Gamora tilted her head.

"Cheese, bacon, ham, pepperoni, and sausage."

"That's an odd mix."

"Look at us, how can it get any more odd?" Gamora and Quill laughed together. "Let's order us some pizza." Gamora laid out on Quill's bed, putting her feet in his lap. Quill glared as he held the phone up to his ear.

"Hi, yes, can I order two, no three meat lover's pizza."

"Okay, thank you." Quill hung up and looked at Gamora. "Looks like we got us some pizza. Now let's go back outside." Quill pushed Gamora's feet off of him and got up. Gamora grabbed Quill's shoulder and jumped onto his back. "Looks like I'm piggybacking the most dangerous woman in the galaxy." Quill grip held at the back of Gamora's knees as her arms draped over his shoulders hanging in front of him.

"Since when did the most dangerous woman in the galaxy need a piggyback?" Rocket looked up from his bomb-making.

"That's what I said." Quill dropped Gamora on the couch.

"So did you order pizza or what?" Rocket asked.

"I am Groot." 'Please tell me it's meat lover's.'

"Yes to both questions, in fact I ordered three pizzas." Quill took a seat next to Gamora.

"Looking forward to this meat lover's pizza." Drax rubbed his hands together.

"Are there any more Terran movies you want to show us?" Gamora turns to Quill.

"Maybe." he got up and looked through all of his CD's. "Aha! Dirty Dancing."

"What is so dirty about dancing?" Drax's eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"No! That's the title of the movie you idiots." Quill rolled his eyes to himself as he slid the CD into the disk player.

"What is this one about?" Gamora asked as Quill took his spot next to Gamora after grabbing the remote.

"This is a romantic dance story. So basically, this girl, named Baby—"

"Why is she named 'Baby'?"

"Because that's how it is! Anyway, she and her family go on a vacation. And during this vacation, she meets the dance-instructor for the hotel she's staying at. They fall in love with many difficulties in between, and I'll keep it at that so I don't spoil anything." Quill presses play. Gamora takes her chance and wraps Quill's arm around her as she leans into him. Quill smiles and rubs her shoulder softly. The introduction starts to play for Dirty Dancing.

The doorbell rings, alerting the guardians that the pizza has arrived. Quill got up after whispering to Gamora that he'd be right back. Grabbing money on counter, he opened the door.

"Two meat lover's pizzas?" the guy handed over the two pizza boxes. "That'll be twenty-four dollars and thirty-two cents."

"Keep the change." Quill coughed up thirty dollars.

"Thank you, enjoy."

"Have a nice night." Quill closed the door as the pizza guy walked away. "Two meat lover's pizzas, enjoy guardians." Quill put the two boxes on the coffee table.

"This is delicious." Drax nodded, already halfway into his pizza.

"On the real." Rocket agreed.

"Back to the movie." Quill leaned back with a pizza in hand. Gamora got comfortable, leaning into his side as his arm draped over his shoulder.

"Thank you." Gamora met the big dreamy brown eyes she's always loved.

"Anything for the birthday girl." Quill smiled.


only part one friends :)

part two (the final part of chapter four) will be dinner & maybe a lil more of starmora ;)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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