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"Selene! Amy's here!" Is the first thing I hear, I open my eyes to check the time.


I overslept, ugh. I hate that.

Getting up from the bed, my feet direct me to my bathroom, hands of mine find its way to my hair, fixing it from last night's bun. Moon told me that Amy was coming, and to wake up early. I should apologize for sleeping in.


Walking down the stairs, I am greeted by Amy and Ella with their phones, they sense my presence by looking up, "Goddess! You look better than last time we met!" Ella states, we all laugh, last time we saw each other, I was in a hurry and was looking messy. 

"I better get going, then." Ella stands, at the door in a second, "Aw, why leave so soon? I just got down." I complain, Amy sighs before speaking, "We arrived here hours ago. Ella needs to go before her ability goes off since she isn't from here," Amy frowns, dammit, I could've advanced my waking potion.

"Well, I apologize for waking late, why didn't you wake me up, though?" My brows furrow in confusion.

"You were in a very deep sleep, Goddess. We thought the Moon took you with him for a while."


Amy and I talked about her arranged marriage, with Ethan. Who doesn't believe in our kind. Does her mom know? She does, but she laughs it off whenever her daughter would tell her. Amy went home after having milk tea with me.


I gather my things for Moon, since he would like to see me tonight. The notebook shines, signalling his arrival. My eyes light up, now or never.

The notebook opens, revealing a very handsome Jericho in a suit, "Ah, Selene. How long I have been waiting for today," he smiles, making me

I look at him in awe, this being, so pure, so beautiful. His hair looks so soft, as if it cannot be tangled by anything, his eyes so blue that it would be mistaken as a gem. His skin as well, is perfect, as if you gather all skin softening products and treat it for hours. His smile, so happy, so white it brings light in me. Moon is beautiful.

"I wore this dress you sent me. It's beautiful, Jericho." I look down and feel the bottom of the dress, it's just so soft to the touch.

His eyes trail down the dress before it goes back to my eyes. "Anything for my dear Goddess. We will be traveling to Silver Pack. I have told Malcolm to reserve a place for us, tonight." His voice deep, trapping me in his.

"Oh Goddess, am I that sexy for you to look at?" He smirks, taking my hand before closing his eyes. My eyelids feel heavy, but not the kind when you are sleepy, as if a spell is being used on them.

We arrive in front of the borders of Silver Reign Pack. "Malcolm, Malcolm, we have arrived." Jericho speaks, then we are in the Alpha's gates in a second, "Moon, and Goddess, " Malcolm and his Luna, Anna, bows down.

"No, please, no need for formalities. I am just your friend from your neighbor, let's act." I shake my head, Anna smiles, "It is an honor that you have chosen to be in our pack, Selene. We are sure that you are welcome anytime."

Jericho puts his arm around my waist, "Shall we dine, everyone?" Malcolm nods, then leaves us be.

'Where are we going, my love?' I ask him in mind link because I wouldn't want to disturb the peace.

'To a place you are so familiar with. This may be memorable for us.' He winks at me, I roll my eyes. This man, I swear.

'I can still hear your thoughts, Selene.' My cheeks turn red of embarrassment. Uh oh.

We were driven my Malcolm, using his personal car, which he gladly offered. We couldn't deny, we wanted to rest and stop using our abilities for a while.

Malcolm stops the car, I look outside and gasp at what I see. It's the place I was crowned Goddess. Where I first talked to Moon for hours.

"Ladies first," Jericho opens the door for me, I jump out in excitement, "woah, easy there, Cupcake." His eyes lighting up, amusement dancing in it.

We walk to the hill, where the moon shines, "Loki's looking after the planet. But I use my ability to shine it in this very spot." Taking in the view, I inhale the fresh grass, the flowers dancing with the wind.

"Why here?" Is what I say after what seems like forever.


"Why this hill, out of all the places, here?"

"Because this was where we first met, dear."

"Wouldn't you want to go somewhere else?"

"And where would that be?"

"I...I don't know exactly."

"Your heart" He replies, brushing his hand on the flowers surrounding us, they follow the direction to where his hand lead. Confused, I put my hand on top of his.

"My heart?" My hand grips on his tighter.

"Yes, but I cannot enter that yet." He looks up at me, then to my lips.

"Why so, Moon?" I sounded less than a whisper, he smiles. "Then you won't be Goddess anymore, we would have to give our positions away. Don't you love being the Moon Goddess?"

"But not as much as I love you." My eyes widen at what came out of my mouth, he opens his lips, about to say something until we hear a whisper.

"Just kiss already!"

"I think they heard us."

"No shit, they're the most powerful beings in this place! Of course they'd hear!"

"Well, you're not using your abilities enough"

Whispers from Athena and David.

"Athena of Silver Reign and David from Rhythm Pack, come out from the bushes." Jericho orders in a jokingly manner. We see Athena push David, her being strong, David almost trips making her laugh.

"We're sorry, we overheard that you two were coming. We just wanted to see you." Both bowing down in respect once they reach us.

A 'honk' sound came from behind us and we see a car and an angry Alpha Malcolm who is glaring at the two teens. "Athena, David, get in the car." He growls the moment his foot stepped on the grass. The two hurry in leaving us three adults outside.

Malcolm's face softens, "Sorry, Goddess. The two used their scent blocking ability. I promise this won't ever happen again."

I smile rreassuringly "It's fine, Malcolm. They just wanted to see us, no biggie."

"Well, I'm going now. Goddess, Jericho." He nods, and proceeds to the car.

After a few minutes of us staring at the open road, Jericho speaks, "Now that we're alone, I want to ask you something important. Very important." His face hard, I gulp...this must be bad.

"Is it okay if I leave you for a few nights?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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