In need of answers

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Imorah walked twenty minutes or so to the water on a well-worn path, trampled by goats and scattered with their pellets. The sun was low in the sky, and behind her, giving her eyes a reprieve. It was the perfect time of day, and for a moment, she forgot all of her worries and remembered the joy of being on the Surface. A dream she'd had since she was old enough to walk had finally come true.

It wasn't everything she'd dreamed of... it was almost a nightmare, but in moments like this, it was a dream come true.

But it wasn't long before racing thoughts disturbed her peace. She thought about the Grandmother's story-it seemed the old woman must have lied to her because how on earth could she have killed her own baby? But then, why would the woman lie? And, try as she might, Imorah could not remember sensing any ill-intention from the woman, to deceive or misinform.

She remembered what Liran had said-that they had to create their own justice because there was no justice on Earth.

That got her thinking about Mars, and the City. How was it possible that the City was on Mars? Tashin had said that the City would take months to get to-that there were underground highways. Was he lying, or was the old lady lying? What was the truth?

Imorah groaned out loud. "I need to talk to Phiona!" she said, exasperated, to no one in particular. "Great Guardian, help me!" she yelled. She used to find so much solace in prayer, but now... after learning how the people on the Surface viewed the Guardian with so much disdain.... she'd begun to doubt whether the Guardian was who she'd always thought She was.

She could imagine the look on Liran's face if he ever saw her praying to The Guardian. He had this horrible angry, derisive look to him at all times. Like he knew everything, and everything sucked.

Imorah reasoned that although his father, Tashin, might have been a volatile man, at least he hadn't been angry ALL the time.

Had he really killed his wife?

Did the Praetoria really steal children for breeding programs?

Why were books and technology forbidden on the Surface?

Why hadn't she been taught about people living on the Surface?

Why were they famished and struggling for basic survival when the capacity to feed everyone was easily in reach? What was the point of all this madness?

These questions and more swirled around Imorah's head. She felt she had only a few small pieces of a very large puzzle. Going in circles-there was only one clear thought amongst all of them: that it was essential she talk to Phiona. Only Phiona could answer these questions reliably. Of all the humans she'd ever met, Phiona was the only one who might have all the pieces of the puzzle.

At that thought, she laughed out loud. "But Phiona isn't even a human!" And that made her sad. Why did there have to be a puzzle in the first place? Why couldn't people get along? The Family was dedicated to harmony and peace on Earth, but for the first time in her life, Imorah wondered how the Family had intended to achieve this goal. Was it through the oppression of others? Was it through controlling how others lived? Was it through stealing their children?

In the Shelter, they'd been waiting for the day when Earth would be habitable again. What had they been waiting for?

Imorah arrived at the well as the sun was starting to set. The cool breeze was delicious, and the view of the desert was spectacular-alive with peaches, pinks and orange hues.

She stripped down naked and pulled a bucked from the well. The water was icy cold and soothed her tired, sun-burned skin.

She scrubbed herself until everything was clean and by the time she was done, the sun had set and she was shivering. She got dressed in her simple shorts-the same ones she'd worn in The Shelter, and made a note to get new clothes as soon as possible. She didn't want to wear these clothing. She didn't know why, but it was a strong feeling.

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