How it came to be

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My interest started when I was only 12 years old. I was living in a small cottage in the town of Narwhal and was on my way to the annual autum traders festival, full of lively personalities and even livelier stories, when I saw a young woman in a cloak pass by. This, in itself, was not unusual. There were plenty of strange women in town, afterall, it was a port town. What was so interesting was, the moment I looked away, I forgot who she was. If asked to talk about her, I wouldn't be able to tell if she was man or woman, tall or short, or if her cloak was bright yellow or dark green. In town, I was known as the girl who payed attention to miniscular details and could remember them a year later. In fact, every day i passed by I would hear the baker ask what was yesterdays and the days before speciality and I would answer correctly. So being prided in memory, I was surprised and outraged when I looked up and found that she was slightly familiar but not memorable. I decide to test myself. After drinking in her features for minutes on end, I looked away. I had been focusing on the color of her cloak, but as I tried desperately searched my memories, I was forced to take an educated guess in saying it was black. When I looked up, to my dismay, she had moved farther away and her cloak was a vibrant red. Red! I was shocked that I could not remember such a noticible color. Determined to think about her later, I took out a charcoal pencil and wrote out a description of her that I found months later that went something like this:

October  the seventh

On the way to the traders festival, I came across a strange lady. She was tall, graceful, well featured, but it was hard to see her face or dress, for she wore a long, elagant, bright red cloak. What was strange was that whenever I looked away, I couldn't remember anything about her! Must investigate phenomenon later.

To my embarrasment, I only remembered to read the entry 3 months later. And when I did, I was determined to find out who she was. So at the tender age of 12 and a 1/4, I set off on an investigation that has changed my life forever. I set out and asked every living soul if they knew anything about her, even seen her. The most I got was a vague description that not even they were sure of, if not less. And when my mother set me free at the age of 18, Instead of becoming a healers apprentice, I learned how to command a boat, bought a crew, and left the quiet town of Narwhal to find the mysterious lady in the red cloak. That is how the whole thing started.


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