Chapter Thirteen

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For the rest of the day, Mark made a habit of checking on me and asking if I was alright. I knew it was because he had seen me at my lowest low and he didn’t want me to hit rock bottom again. I was grateful that he cared, but I was fine. It just took a while for me to convince him of that. Luckily, we were able to focus on other things when we heard that there was someone at the door. We had a package, as it turned out.

“Is that what I think it is?” I asked as Mark signed the clipboard that the UPS worker handed to him.

“Yep. New t-shirts for the live stream,” Mark confirmed. It had been difficult for Mark to find time to hang out with Bob since he had been in law school, but there was finally an opportunity for him to come to Cincinnati in a few days. Because of that, Mark had planned a special live stream that Bob and Wade would be able to be a part of, meaning they’d all be in the same place instead of just communicating and gaming together through Skype. Since charity shirts had been so successful at the last live stream, Mark decided to try it out again. This time there was a shirt with Mark on it, as well as two other new designs with Bob and Wade on them. They were all really cool, and I knew a lot of money would be earned by selling them alone, plus there would be donations, of course. I was as excited for the live stream as Mark was, and I was also glad that the shirts had finally come in.

“You want to try yours on?” Mark asked once the UPS guy left and we were alone again.

“Of course,” I answered. He ripped the packages open and tossed mine to me. We both tried them on. They fit us both well, and I think they made us look forward to the live stream that much more, so we could show them off.

Mark and I lounged around for the rest of the day. He spoke with Bob and Wade before we went to bed and found out that they both had received their shirts as well. They were anticipating Saturday, when the live stream would take place. It was only three days away, practically two by the time we got to sleep. I was sure it would be a good way to distract us from all the chaos that had taken place. It was just what we needed.

The next morning, I woke up a little earlier than normal. My phone told me it was 8:38 when I checked it. I could afford to get a little more sleep, but I had gotten almost nine hours, so I didn’t need it. My sleeping schedule wasn’t so messed up anymore. I turned over and looked at Mark, who was still sleeping. It had been a long time since I had really noticed how peaceful he looked when he was asleep and possibly dreaming about something hopeful. I knew I should leave him alone, but I just couldn’t resist the thought that popped into my head. I sat up enough so that I could lean over and kiss him. The collision of our lips woke him up, and he smiled when he realized what was going on.

“Good morning,” I said.

“Yeah, it is a pretty good morning,” he answered. I hoped he would kiss me, but he didn’t. Maybe he was just too tired still. I would have thought that after all the negative things that had been going down, he would take advantage of a romantic moment. We hadn’t really had many lately.

“We should go somewhere today,” Mark said, bringing me back to reality.


“How about the movies? We could go see that new zombie flick,” he suggested.

“Sounds good. When should we go?”

“Why don’t we try to see an early show? That way we can get lunch afterwards,” Mark said.

“Lunch? You know I’ll ruin that with popcorn,” I said, reminding him of all the times I ruined my dinner by eating too much at the theater.

“How about we just get a little bit of candy instead, then? You can handle not getting popcorn once, right?”

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