Save You Tonight - One Direction.

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A One Direction Fan Fiction Story. <3


This story is pure fiction. I have never met the boys nor do I dislike them. I am not a Directionater, I'm a Directioner .(: If you do not like One Direction and plan on leaving hate, please do not read this story, but if you do like them, read on. I take constructive criticism well, and any advice, tips, or ideas will be greatly appreciated. (:

This story is dedicated to all the Directioners out there xoxo :)


One dream. One band. One Direction. And now today my dreams will come true by meeting my favorite boys, One Direction. My best friend and I luckily pulled out the VIP Package, so we were meeting the boys today. I looked through my closet, looking for something appropriate to wear in this hot, sticky Florida weather. I decided on navy blue shorts and a flattering hi-low white tank top that had little graphic designs, and completed my outfit with black Toms. Once I finished my hair and makeup, I looked at myself disapprovingly in the mirror. This was something I had started doing five months ago. I'd stand in front of the mirror all ready and just pick out my flaws, but suddenly my iPod shuffled onto What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I smiled sadly, thinking maybe one day I'll be as beautiful as they say.


     I grabbed my bag and headed out of the house to meet Hannah at the beach when my mom stopped me. "Have you eaten breakfast? I know your excited to meet the boys, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for growing girls." she said, smiling softly.

"I've already eaten breakfast, and Hannah and I are stopping at the gas station to buy snacks." I lied. I've gotten used to it, not eating and lying to my parents about it. "And remember? I'm not growing, 5'2" I shall forever remain." I joked with her. We said our goodbyes and I was on my way out, feeling a little light headed, but probably just excited about meeting them.

     I practically sprinted out to the beach near Hannah and my houses to meet her by her car in the lot. She looked fantastic, as always. She wore medium washed distressed denim shorts and a pretty floral tube top with navy Toms.

     "Hey, Dani, you look great! I'm so excited to meet One Direction today," she squealed. We were both fangirling about them as we climbed into her truck. She started the car up, and we were on our way to the time of our lives.

     We did stop by the gas station to get food, but I just got a bottle of water and an apple. Hannah eyed me while we payed since she got quite a few snacks. "Are you sure that's all you want, Danielle? It's on me." she said. Nobody knew about what I was doing because, simply, nobody would understand.

"I'm fine. I just had a big breakfast is all." I lied again. It makes me sick to think of how I'm constantly lying sometimes.

     Soon enough, we were there along with hundreds of screaming girls. Unlike the rest, Hannah and I liked to keep our fangirling to ourselves since we concluded it looked ridiculous. We waited in a massive line after showing our VIP package passes, and we couldn't help but squeal every now and then. But then again, what sixteen year old girl who loved One Direction wouldn't? It was a long wait, but we were almost to the front! We were so close to them, it was unbelievable. I started feeling dizzy, though, so I held onto Hannah for support. I felt like I needed to pass out.

"Dani, are you okay? You look pale. Here, have some more water." she said, concerned as she gave me a bottle of water to drink on. I didn't know what was going on. Was it excitement? Anxiousness? It couldn't be my diet, no way. It was helping me lose weight, not making me dizzy. I shook my head and took a sip of water, putting on a smile for Hannah.

"I'm fine, really. I'm just really excited! We've been waiting ages for this," I said excitedly, and hopefully convincingly. I didn't need her to worry about me when this was the time not to worry. I just focused on getting the nerve to ask each of them for a hug while they signed autographs. Hannah and I were literally holding onto each other and smiling foolishly since we were next in line.

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