Exponents- Chapter Three

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Chapter 3: The Dark Mark

The match had been wonderful. Ireland won, but Bulgaria's Viktor Krum caught the snitch. Just like the twins had told Ludo Bagman. The World Cup was over, so the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, and I we're back at the tent. Harry, Ron, Bill, Charlie, and Mr. Weasley we're discussing the match, trying to determine what player was the best. Percy was sitting in a corner, working on some sort of report for Mr. Crouch. Ginny and Hermione had gotten sleepy, so they had gone to the girl's tent. While Fred, George and I are sitting on the couch, drinking hot chocolate.

"Ari, what are you going to do once you graduate?" George asked.

"I don't know. I may go work at Zonko's or someplace in Hogsmead. I'll save that money up for Weasley's Wizard Wheeze's. Then when you guys graduate, we can go to Diagon Alley, and buy a place where we can set up the shop." I said. Fred grinned.

"Or you can be our Defense Against the Dark Art's teacher. For one year. No one lasts more than that." Fred suggested.

"I'm too young to be a teacher."

"You should ask Dumbledore though." George said.

"We'll see. I'm getting tired. See you guys tomorrow." I stood up and walked over to the girls tent. Hermione and Ginny are sound asleep. I tiptoe across the room, careful not to wake them up, and lay down on my bed. The hot chocolate is really getting to me. As soon as I close my eyes, I'm sound asleep.

In my dream, I'm in the Black lake. I have the Bubble head charm placed on me, so I can breath underwater. I'm looking for something. But, oh, what is it? A school of fish swims by me, and I decide to follow them. I follow them for about five minutes, but then they disappear. I look to my right, but see nothing. But on my left, I see Ron, Hermione, Fred, and a little girl with a very pretty face tied up. They seem to be asleep. At least, I hope. I swim to Fred first, and untie the rope. I go over to the little girl, but then one of the ugliest things I have ever seen comes up to me. A mermaid, I believe. I had read about them in a book, but never seen what they look like.

"You may only take one." The mermaid said. I rolled my eyes. I was not going to let all of them drown. I reach over for the rope that's tied to the little girls foot. The mermaid grabbed my wrist. It started talking, but not in the same voice it had talked in. It seemed like Ginny's voice. Huh?

"Arielle, we have to go. There's Death Eaters." I open my eyes and see Ginny holding my wrist. There's a scared look on her face. She let's go of my wrist. I jump to my feet and exit the tent.

"Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility. Go hide in the wood's. Bill, Charlie, Percy, let's go." Mr. Weasley and the boys ran off towards we're the Death Eater's were. George grabs Ginny's hand.

"Come on, let's go!" He yells. Fred and I run after George. We go deep into the woods. There's wizards, witches, and even muggles running around. They were obviously not caring about their manners, because they were pushing and screaming. George led us to a dark part in the woods, we're there was barely no one. We sat down on the ground.

"What was going on?" I ask.

"The Death Eater's we're making the poor muggles float up in the air." Ginny said.

"That's sick." I reply. There was a moment of silence. The wind started picking up and it got cooler. My teeth are trembling, and my hands are going numb.

"Are you cold, Ari?" Fred asked.

"F-F-Freezing." I saw that Ginny was also cold.

"I brought a blanket." George said. Ginny and I looked at each other. We smiled, and then dived for the blanket. Even though we are freezing, we still laughed. George, Fred, Ginny and I gathered around each other and shared the blanket.

"George, this isn't natural. Someone must have casted a charm." Fred said. We waited in silence for a sign that it was clear. A few minutes passed, and with every second it got colder.

"Hey! Arielle, you can use magic now!" George shouted. I feel so dumb. I can use magic now!

"Oh yeah. Let's go back to the tent, see if everyone's all right." I waved my wand and soon it got warmer. We walked for about twenty minutes before we found the tent. The Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione were already there.

"There you guys are! Oh, I'm glad you're okay." Mr. Weasley said. He went over and hugged Ginny.

"Girls, go to your tent, you deserve some sleep. Arielle, keep your wand with you. At all times." Hermione, Ginny and I walked over to the tent and went straight to sleep.

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