Chapter Four

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Austin woke up, it was hours later. He hadn't even realized that he had fallen asleep. He looked around, glancing at the walls and the ...walls. There was no windows or any doors, just walls.

"Hey," he screamed, "anybody out there. Hey I'm trapped in here." He shivered, it was dreadfully cold. He looked around again feeling the walls and the doors for a escape. Suddenly the room went dark. Austin looked up and saw the hospital lights that he use to stare at all the time. Gasping he bolted around the room looking for something to break the wall with. A girl suddenly appeared on the other side of the room. She was pretty and looked to be about Austin's age. She had tar black hair with tan skin and ocean blue eyes, she wore a navy blue skirt that went to her knees and a pearl white blouse. Smiling she just watched Austin.

Finally she said something, "Do you like the room?". Her voice was higher pitched and had a sweet tone to it. He turned and walked towards her.

"Where am I?" He demanded. She shifted uneasily on one foot to the other, the whole time avoiding his eyes.

"That's unimportant. So, how do you feel? Any bloating, stomach pains, chest pains, seizures, or heart problems?" She questioned.


"That's good" she said brushing dust off her skirt.

"Where am I?" Austin asked again.

"Shush, now go get some rest." She answered and just disappeared into thin air.

"WHERE AM I!?!" Austin screamed. He ran around the room banging on the walls. His fists were turning red and his eyes stung with tears. He collapsed on the ground, surprisingly it was cold and wet. Gasping for air, everything started to turn black around the edges of his vision. He couldn't move, he couldn't talk! Panic filled his heart and his every thought. The girl appeared inside the room again and walked calmly over to where Austin layed. She covered him in a white cloth and stood back up. He couldn't see anymore and his hearing was going out, it felt as if all his organs were on fire. The energy was drained out of his body. He could hear his parent crying off in the distance. He wanted to run to them and tell them he was ok. The girl shuffled around his body in three complete circles. He could feel her eyes on him although he couldn't see them. She kneelt down next to him and started stroking the side of his face through the side of the cloth. His organs were burning on the inside and could feel them shutting themselves off. He wanted to scream and cry and move but he couldn't do any of these things. It was like he was absolutely and utterly helpless. Had it actually be 6 months? Had his cancer finally won? No, he thought, it couldn't have been that long, could it have though? The girl leaned down close to his ear and whispered his name.

"Austin, were meant to...die."

Austin woke up. Drenched in sweat, he teeth were clenched and hands were curled in fists. He was back in the forest. The morning sun was just rising over the tops of the mountains and the grass was still wet with dew. He let go a sigh of relief. It was all just a dream, but it has felt so real. He was certain he had died. The only thing that made any sense was that the girl had been saying what he had thought. He was going to die whether it from this forest or from his cancer, he was going to die.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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