chapter 1

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Hey guys this is my first story and vote if the story is up to it.thanks and do comment and feedback and if you could give me some advice on how i can improve my story.thx;)


chapter 1

I slung my arm over his shoulder and pinched his arm."Ow!what was that for Alice?"He winced.Lance walker is my best friend.He has messy brown hair and piercing dark blue eyes.We have practically went through everything and anything together.of course that includes of me sometimes helping him get girls.

"Nothing.Just felt like doing it.You know? You're damn good to pinch."Even though it sounds like he has a lot of fats but he actually doesn't.When he was younger he would keep saying that he would work out despite his lazy personality.I really hate to admit it now but yes he does have one.We live just next door and our families are both friends with each other and yeah and his family is just a tad richer than mine.

"Now get in the car and lets go to school or we're late!"Lance said while interrupting me from my thoughts.He frowned at me after he realized I was still standing there spacing out.Aw...His frown is so cute.He was also the kind of guy that likes to be super early for everything he does."Hurry up!Hurry up!"He complained.I then decided to tease him so slowly dragged my feet to his black Ferrari.

As soon as I plopped down onto my seat I complained like a five year old " Ugh!Why do I have to wake up so early?You know I hate it!"I pouted my lips and he gave me a smile and pinched my nose.

"Hahaha.You are so cute Alice but thanks for waking up early for me"He chuckled.

"And you are so evil'" I retorted while rubbing my red nose.He chuckled again.Yeah I know.He chuckles a lot.Apparently he likes chuckling and that was kinda cute for a guy.Aw...My best friend is a cutie!

"Hey Lance.Did you know you're popular?"I blurted out a random question.

"Um...Why?"He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing.Just curious."I replied normally.Now that I think of it he is actually quite good looking .He was the most popular guy in middle school and I'm guessing he will also be in high school.May be the charm about him is that he can be patient if he wants to and he treats everyone equally.His special move may be his chuckling which keeps all the girls flocking to him.Ya we are from very two different worlds.He is a athletic person now,a neat person(for a guy he is quite tidy) and a good looking person.Me on the other hand have very average looks,not a early person and definitely not athletic.I hate sports except for a few.

We chatted and laughed all the way to school.When we reached the gates,people flocked towards us and to be more specific it was just Lance they went to.Cheerleaders,jocks and people all from the popular clique.They came and greeted Lance and I could see some of the girls already flirting with him while some were giving me death glares.What the hell!Like I want to receive a glare from you.I rolled my eyes and ignored them.Ch,they're just jealous because I'm Lance's best friend and he was always around me.Although I did not want to but I just left Lance to his friend and headed towards the hallway.

"Hey Celest!"I greeted as soon as I saw her walking down the hallway.Celest was my first girl friend because I was always with Lance that I didn't have time to make any girl friends and they hated me anyways.Celest had long straight black hair and brown eyes.She didn't like make up cause she would keep complaining about the taste of the lipstick and all.In my opinion she would be really stunning if she would just put on some make up and the right kind of fashion.Today,she was wearing a dark blue plain t-shirt and faded jeans.OMG! Why would she waste her looks on those ... 'shirts'.She has long eyelashes and big eyes and her face was not too chubby or too skinny.Her lips were also not too fat.Why would she waste her looks?!

Ignoring that fact we chatted and caught up with each other as she went to Japan for 2 months for a holiday.As we talked we walked towards the office counter and saw a petite office lady wearing big black framed spectacles and she wore a plain pink dress with beads that fell to her knees.

"Hi.We're here to take our schedules."It came out more like a question than a request.

"OH.. sure give me a minute." She jerked her head up as she seemed oblivious to her surroundings when we came in and she did not hear us.She then went into a office behind her and came out after a quick five minutes.

"Here are your schedules Miss Lee and Miss Lynch and this is the places and directions to the school facilities."she said as she handed us two slips of paper.

I nodded and gave her a word of thanks before heading to my first class.

I quickly scanned over my schedule and let out a groan.God!Physics was the first period.Man do I hate physics!The good thing was that I had majority of my classes with Celest so i need not worry about a thing.That was cool.When we made our way to physics we saw a couple making out in broad daylight.Then when I scanned the boy's features he looked so familiar ...Hmm...Where have I seen him before?Then BAM! I realised who it was .OMG!Lance walker was making out with someone in the corridor.OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!I can"t believe my best friend would actually do this.And it was only the first day of school!Then I realised the girl was Belle,the hottest and most beautiful girl in school.She was also the head cheerleader.Then I turned my head and my eyes landed on his piercing dark blue eyes.I turned away immediately and pulled Celest away with me.He looked...pained.Why would he look pained?I shook my head sideways to remove all the thoughts about Lance and just went to physics class.

*************************************************************************************************************Thank you for reading the first chappy of my story.The next chapter might be out next week if you want to know.Pls vote if the story is up to it and comment. thx sooo much again :3

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