chapter 4 ( picture of lance)

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hey guys!!!Sorry for the long wait.I was juast really busy with exams and stuff.

so anyway,back to the main point.Here is chapter 4 and i hope you enjoy it!!!Be careful of the switching of pov's.cheers!


Lance pov

Shit!Damn it!Why the hell am I so f***ing short tempered.WTH?!Pull yourself together man!Why the hell did you shout at her for?Well at least I apologised to her...But still I shouldn't have shouted at her...Yeah...But that f***ing guy was grinning like and idiot next to her.He even put her arms around her!WTH!That was totally unacceptable.What guy friend would do that?Whoa whoa Wait.Why am I thinking like this?I'm only her best friend,not her parent.I only have the 'best friend' right to control her.So that means I can't control her from being friends with that idiot.okay...relax Lance.Take a deep breathe in and out...In and out...That's better.

Then my mind drifted to her face,she looked fragile for that moment.She didn't look like the alice I knew.She was in pain,afraid and terrified like she was about to lose something important to her.The Alice Lynch I knew was out-going and confident giirl  but is very shy on the outside.She has a whole lot of stubbornness and confidence in her when you actually get to know her.I smiled at myself at the thought that i knew her inside out.Grinning like an idiot,I saw someone approach me.

Why oh why god are you treating me like this?Why must I see this damn bastard ?I thought with disgust.He walked up to me smirking.Wait!He walked up to me!Who the hell does he think I am?!Oh,He's got guts.I'll admit that.

"Hey.Are you Lance?"He asked me as his eyes raked up and down my body.

There was a pause..

"Yer.Whats up?"I answered him cooly,thinking about what he was going to ask.

" well.I just want to tell you that cherish what you have now and realize what's important to you before you lose it."he told me while he made an evil smirk.

"well.FYI I already know what's important to me.You don't have to tell me that."I retorted.Even though I didn't know what he was referring to.

Then he gave me a warm smile like he was happy for me or something.He left and waved his hand with his back facing me.

What the hell was that about.Although I don't have someone I like doesn't mean I don't have someone I cherish.And they are the people important to me.My family,friends,Ali---Wait...why am I letting what he said get to me?I should just ignore it.tch.Then BAM!I realised what he was referring to.OMG!Do I really feel that way?As what?

Jeremy pov

Oh my bloody gosh!Did I just admitted that I had feelings for her.No way...Yeah sure she's a great girl but I just met her today and I like her???Impossible!What is happening to me?!I can't like her since i already know the results.I'd only get heart broken and hurt...

Lance pov

It was biology and the teacher was rambling on and on about some bullshit.Belle was diagonally opposite me and she kept on shooting me flying kisses and stuff.I shuddered.What's with her lately?She seems to want my attention like crazy.

My mind then flicked to the day where I pushed Alice onto the locker and kissed her.Why did i do that?(I still had not figure out that ans)Before I knew it,I could feel my face heat up a bright red and when i snapped out of it,People were staring at me as if I was some sort of kissing maniac or something.Belle shot me a confused look but I ignored her.I looked down onto the table and scribbled on my empty notebook

Do I like her?As a best friend?

Man!I was turning to such a pussy!Then randomly I drew a cartoon comic of what happened between me and Alice and tried putting things in order but couldn't get it.I furrowed my eyebrows,thinking hard about my relationship with Alice.She was the most important person to me but I'm not sure if its like a love-sister thing.I continued scribbling on the paper when the biology teacher came and slammed  onto my table,jolting me up from my seat.

"Mr walker,Is there something wrong?would you like to share it with the class?"Mr bartner asked.Obviously seeing my smile.Before I could answer,his eyes flicked to my paper and saw what I drew and wrote.I quickly flipped the paper and crushed it into my pocket.

"No...No sir.There is nothing wrong and no I do not want to share it with the class.And I am feeling a little uncomfortable now.Do you think I could go to the infirmary to you know,rest?"I asked faking a cough..

"Of course you may.and rest well."His face softened and I knew he took it.

As soon as I  walked out of the classroom,I heaved a sigh of!That was close.I smiled to myself and walked towards the infirmary with a wide grin on my face.


Hey!Sorry it was a little boring.Okay,Very boring but  to make it up to you guys.I'll upload 2 chapters next week?on monday?Yeah well i hope you enjoyed it a little bit though.Oh yer,can any of you give me a great suggestion to who should cast Jeremy?It would be a great help cause I cant find anyone to suit him.

thx for reading this chappy:)

vote?comment and fan!thx soo much.


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