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Fortunately, the previous incident was cleared up rather easily. Unfortunately, I got grounded for doing absolutely nothing at all. Apparently, causing an incident that quite possibly caught the attention of the king of the country is a really, really bad thing that gave my parents a lot of paperwork. 

Luckily (or unluckily) after hearing the explosion, Cal had rushed to our classroom while everyone was evacuating, desperately trying to find us. The sight had made many people sigh. A young boy rushing into a place that could possibly become a war zone, with some of the most powerful individuals in the country, for his friends. I could imagine the Cal in the game doing so for the heroine, but that was only because he was in love with her. Him doing so for his friends... that was really touching. When I told the other boys about how Cal had been so worried about them that he had rushed into the classroom, they had stared at me incredulously. I had been really confused, why weren't they all touched or happy? Crying would be fine, I wouldn't question their manliness. Instead, they were looking at me as if I had spouted 2 heads. I shook my head. Whatever, boys are confusing. 

Anyways, after Cal had come in and had assessed the situation, he ran over to us and had stared us down. We soooo did not resemble terrified chipmunks huddling together, shivering in terror. And we were not sitting underneath a table in the corner, terrified of being found out. And killed. Or tortured. Or exiled. I DON'T WANNA BE THE VILLAINESS! :(

Soooo for some reason, when Cal heard about what had happened, and saw our sorry states, he had pieced the cause of the incident together. He told us to tell him what we did and fess up.


Yet despite his lack of evidence, he still sighed, grabbed us all by our collars, and dragged us towards the Royal Magicians. He seemed surprisingly mature, and for a second I thought that someone had replaced my cute little brother. But, nahh... there's no way that my adorable little brother had a secret, hidden, and more mature side he has never shown me. RIGHT! And NO, I DO NOT GO INTO DENIAL EVERY TIME SOMETHING BECOMES WEIRD!

He spoke with them for a few moments before pushing us in front. Under their gazes we immediately broke down and confessed. 

Soooo... that was how I am currently grounded from going anywhere off of the school grounds without further notice. Siiigh... I am bored.

I was wandering around the ridiculously large campus, and was currently very lost. I walked around until I found an adorable little garden with a small fountain. It was so peaceful and quiet that it looked like it was from a painting. I sat down in one of the benches, tired from all of my walking, and fell asleep.

"Hello, can you get up? Hellooo... are you dead? If you're not dead, wake up, if you are... then just keep doing what you're doing. Seriously, can you get up? This is private property. I could report you to the headmaster." My eyes immediately popped open. Then I blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. Then I shut them again.

"Hey! If you're awake then get up! Are you just going to keep on ignoring me!?" I continued to ignore his ranting and tried to digest what had just happened. 

Holy guacamole I had just met another capture target. Aaaand it was a hidden one. Who also kills the villainess. WHY AM I AT THE BEGINNING ALL OVER AGAIN?! FUCK YOU STUPID PLOT LINE, I JUST WANTED TO HAVE A PEACEFUL LIFE!

Liam Redherrin. Son of the Chairman of the school, one of the most important and powerful mages in the country. With fiery red hair, orange eyes, and his hotheaded attitude, he is what most would call a delinquent. A hot delinquent. And yes, that was a pun. Although, in the game, he was seen as a popular, rough, reckless boy who was good at fighting, deep inside, he was a good person. He believed in honor, loyalty, and trust, and if you captured him you would then be able to rely on him for the rest of your life. He could become your devoted lover, or if he was rejected, your closest support and friend. He was extremely popular amongst the players in my old world for his seemingly rough attitude yet his sweet heart inside. I had always wished to be his friend but THAT WAS BEFORE I BECAME THE PERSON HE COULD BE DESTINED TO KILL! The possibility of being slaughtered by this delinquent made my once dream become a nightmare.

I continued to ignore his existence, thinking that if I did it long enough he would disappear. No, I was not chickening out, this was a strategic retreat. HEAR THAT? A STRATEGIC RETREAT. NOT that I didn't want to face him and was in denial. I AM NOT IN DENIAL. I am just... so tired, that my eyes must have been mistaken. There's no point in reopening my eyes, I must have been imagining things anyway. So there is no need. Just... ignore the loud chirping of a very human-like bird right next to me. Yup, a bird. Thinking these thoughts, I yawned, and then fell back to sleep. 

Sorry guys for the late update, I was not very inspired. I kept on telling myself THINK! THINK! THINK! ...until my brain fried and I read some shoujo manga to restore my sanity. Fine, I will also admit that I have become obsessed with these xianxia webnovels Poisoning the World and Chu Wang Fei. I was so obsessed that I neglected poor little Serena *cries* so sorry little Serena and readers. Well, sorry, and thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy! 

Liam (12 years)

Liam (16 years)

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Liam (16 years)

Liam (16 years)

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