The movies

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As we walked down not to far I stopped. "Wait I forgot something; stay here I'll be right back" so I ran back to my house back up to my room grabbing my best shirt which was a white button up shirt. Have to look my best I guess I mean it's not a date I just wanted to look good. Like normal. "K, bye mom for the second time" But then down the street, there was Lisa leaning on the stop sign; her blond hair blew a little in the breeze. In that little moment, it felt like time slowed down and it was a dream. Till Lisa saw me and waved for me to hurry up. But yet in that single moment, it felt like a dream and I don't want to wake up yet. When I was out of my little dream I heard what she was saying "BAKA HURRY UP WE ARE GOING TO MISS THE MOVIE" So I ran up to her "S-sorry kind of f-forgot about that" Then I felt a hand on my head "baka, lets get a move on" She grabbed my arm and shoved me in front of her. So I laughed a little and walked "fine I am walking"

"So, what high school are you going to?" Oh Ya, soon I will be freshmen

"Skyy high school. What about you?"

"I am going to Skyy duh I live like 5 minutes away. Hey uh, Toby." I looked over at her. Her head was down, and then she changed. "What's wrong"

"You have to promise me ok" She stopped and held out her hand "P-promise what?"

"That no matter what we will stick together in high school, here" I put my hand under hers as she hands me a necklace. It was a small necklace with a small heart that was red. I just looked at her and smiled "Promise. But do you have one also?"

"Ya, see I had mine on before I gave you that one but mines blue. Oh and look at the back." So I flipped the necklace over and there was a bright blue diamond. "Oh, so it matches yours?"

"Yep, and see mines has a red one to match yours." I have to say that it was sorta cute. Soon as we knew it we arrived at the movies. "Finely thought we would never make it. And as soon as it turned dark." Lisa grabbed me and she ran into the movies. Inside was nice, the floors were a dark blue and the roof was a goldish color. "Toby the ticket thingy is over there" I followed her finger to see a gold little shack thing that read Tickets. "So wait what movie are we even going to watch?" I looked at the board that said many of different movies. "Well, something scary at least. Or are you too scared."

"No, I can perfectly handle a horror movie. I just don't watch them normally"

"Ok then let's watch Rings or Nightmare on elm street."

"Uh, let's go with Rings." As we walked up to the counter I felt more scared I don't want to look like a scared little kid. "Uh, Two tickets to Rings please."

"Aw, being a gentleman Toby."

"W-well I-I mean" Lisa punched my shoulder playfully. "I am just playing around Toby. Look let's go get a good seat." Thankfully only the ads were playing. When we sat down the room got darker than when we first walked in. I looked over at Lisa who seemed to really exit for the movie. I could not even think about what I looked like a nervous wreck most likely. The movie started with a loud thump to get to watchers attention, but I jumped. I guess Lisa noticed "You ok Toby?"

"Y-yeah just fine" I gave a small smile. "Ok, then just try to relax" Oh I would love to relax but how am I going to when this scary lady is going to come out of my TV just because I watched her dumb little movie that never had any common logic in it. Ok, Maybe I do just need to calm down a little. About half way through the movie I looked over at Lisa and noticed she looked more scared than when the movie first started. "Hey, Lisa are you good."

"n-not really this movie was scarier than I thought it was going to be" Feeling bad for her I lifted the little arm rest thing and put my arm around her then said "Ok, it's just a movie it's not like she's real wait what was I thinking, shit, I should uh uh UH. Taking a deep breath I remembered what she had told me to just relax. Plus this is normal right? What am I saying Ya it is. Quickly noticing that every time a jump scare came Lisa would hide her face I have to say it was kinda cute....I guess I mean we are just friends out watching a movie together. After the movie was over we walked out into the hallway. That's when I heard my name "Toby?" it was a boy's voice. "I think someone is trying to get your attention, Toby?" Lisa said turning around, "Uh no there is a lot of Toby's in the world" Soon after I said that I felt a little smack on the back of my head. And I am a pretty tall person so there is only one other person I know that could do that. "Hey, Todd." Todd was my child hood friend, the only person except for Lisa I talked to. Todd was a sly guy always a ladies man. A little taller than me, even though he was always that person that is always in trouble with the teacher he was smart if he put his mind to things. "So what are you doing here Toby" He looked down and I guess he saw Lisa. "Oh, are you on a date Toby" He gave me a smirk. "So what if he is at least he can land a date unlike some trouble maker mess up." She stood in front of me. "Who, little girl big mouth."

"Oh you want to talk about what's little"

"Ok, Lisa and Todd chill. Both of you just need to calm down." They both looked at me with the same glare. "uh we are all friends here guys"

"Oh are we friends tho I don't think so" Todd and her glared at each other till I spoke out "Ok time to go see ya later Todd," I yelled waving back at him walking out the door.

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