The Beginning of a Legend

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The sky had begun to darken; the moon now more prominent then the sun.  Stars slowly focused into visibility. It was utterly serene. The moment the sun disappeared a young beautiful women appeared on the beach. 

Sally was breathtaking. The wind graced her brown hair and at the moment her beauty easily rivaled that of the love goddess. In her hands was a small boy in a basket woven by her own hand. Her son, Perseus. He had the most precious sea green eyes and jet black hair like his father.

Sally ripped her gaze away from the Demigod towards the sea. The stillness of the water calmed her soul. Her descision was final. This needed to be done. For him . . . 

Her lips pressed into a firm line as she took a few more steps out into the water. She knelt, the bottoms of her dress submerged under the knee-high water. She gently, almost reluctantly set the basket down.

She watched her gaze transfixed on the child as the water gently pushed the basket towards the sea. As the basket went out of sight the women's facade broke. Almost instantly tears started flowing. 

Perseus was not safe with her. His scent was too alluring. Monster came to her home in the hundreds. She couldn't protect him. Hopefully, somewhere out in the waters his father finds him. 

She shut her eyes. She sent a silent prayer to The Lord of the Seas.

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Oceanus sat in deep thought. He was seated on his throne. He was alone. While he was pondering, his train of thought was broken by a desperate prayer. 

'Please, protect him.'

Oceanus glanced upwards. 'Who was that?' He scanned the area looking for the source of the voice. It took him a moment, but eventually he realized it was coming from the surface.  As he swam to reach the surface he immediately noticed the child. He was a beuatiful young boy with tufts of jet black hair and sea green eyes. 

Oceanus recongnized the eyes almost immediately. It was the mirror of his nephew's eyes, Poseidon. Oceanus couldn't help but be compelled to help the child. He would no longer be alone. 

"What should I name you boy?" Oceanus murmured to himself. He stretched his fingers out to the boy. The child quickly grasped onto his finger. Oceanus smiled fondly at the action. He attempted to pull his hand away, but soon realized that the boy had gripped on to his fingers tightly. 

Oceanus chuckled, "looks like I got myself a little destroyer," Oceanus said a playful grin on his face.  Realizng that the child wasn't going to let go he lifted him up into his arms. He observed the boy, arching an eyebrow. "Destroyer," he whispered to himself. 

"Perseus," he sounded the name, pausing slightly before a wide grin broke on his face, "it seems the Fates take pity of me. I am glad to accept this blessing," Oceanus proclaimed. 

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