The God of a Legend

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Recap: "You will be under my command. We shall depart to Olympus by nightfall tomorrow with the rest of the army," he paused, letting his posture break for a brief moment.

"Now, I must inform my lord about this." They watched as Porsun moved into the room they had just exited.

The sea was almost motionless as Calypso and Perseus maneuvered their raft away from the island.

Perseus let Calypso lead him. She seemed trustworthy to him, but it's not like he had a bunch of options. He had no idea where he was, and besides, she stitched him up.

Calypso turned, facing Perseus. "Tell me honestly. Why haven't you go on off to your palace?" She questioned, arching an eyebrow. "If you are the prince of the seas you should be fine."

Perseus frowned, Calypso was different from any other girl he met. She was tough but not violent. Powerful but not aggressive. Beautiful but not aware of it.

"The seas are dangerous, there are beings in the sea older and more powerful than my father," Perseus answered.

Calypso nodded, leaning backward. The sky began to reveal its stars. She didn't want to trust Perseus. Trust failed her before, but Perseus was unique.

His voice broke through her thoughts, "Where are we headed?" He asked. She hummed silently. Where were they going? As of now- nowhere in particular, but she couldn't do that anymore. Not after today.

She licked her lips, thinking over her options. "I'm tired of running, but as of now that's all we can do." She paused. "Unless . . ."

"There is a place." She paused. "Mother used to talk about it. She glanced upwards, recalling her memories. "We'll have to cross the Great Ocean, but with your powers, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Perseus nodded. "From there I can try to contact my father," he replied. Calypso stared at the horizon. "Let's get started."

They rowed together, and with the assistance of the sea, they moved at a decent speed making their way to new lands.

Perseus, in particular, rowed with vigor. His friends, his family, they were waiting. For him.

Laura lounged on a feather mattress in the Phalanx meeting room

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Laura lounged on a feather mattress in the Phalanx meeting room. John, Ogenus, and, Gareth had all gone to talk to Oceanus.

She shivered at the thought of what the titan could've done to them. Crush them under the sea's pressure? Chain them? Kill them? Her thoughts were interrupted by Madeline.

"So what you thinkin' bout'?" She asked. Laura sighed."Just thinking about what Oceanus would do to the boys after hearing the news." Laura put bluntly.

Madeline nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I understand. I'm worried about them. I hope John is safe.

Laura's eyes widened, her hand covering her mouth to prevent her laughter from releasing.

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