chapter 8

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Amelia pov
I never went to sleep. I wanted to see Alyssa again. I was late my room partner was already asleep. I crept out of my bed in the pail moon light. I walked down the stairs and to the painting. I was walked down the hall when I heard an all to familiar voice.
"And where do you think your going?" I stood there for a second thing of what I should do. I heard footsteps and I ran as fast as I could.
"Wait! Amelia!" draco called after. I ran out and too the hospital wing. I lost draco art he stairs cause I went to the top hid behind a corner and when he passed by with out noticing me I ran back down and to te hospital wing. I ran in and shut the door. I was breathing hard from the adrenaline. I ran over to alyssa.
"Hey man. Dude I think draco is gonna start stalking me." alyssa had this 'your dumb' aora about her,"he has been hasn't He?" I heard the door open.
"That's my cue." I whisper to alyssa. I hid under the bed. Dracos feet walked to the bed.
"You haven't seen her huh alyssa?" he walked off once I heard the door close I climbed out and ran for the door. I opened it. Draco was just about to turn the corner but heard the door creak. He turned and saw me and began running of course I panicked and ran as fast as I could.  I ran in the common room up the stairs and to my bed. I breathe like I was fast asleep. And eventual actual did fall asleep.
In the morning. I rushed out of my room and to the great hall to eat. I sat down next to John and grabbed a roll. Draco Sat next to me.
"So where did you go last night?"
"I have no idea what your talking about."
"Amelia don't lie to me."
"I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"Are not." I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Amelia?" I turned to see John with the tell the truth look. I sighed and confessed.
"Ok I did sneak out last night and went to see alyssa. I'm sorry."
"Good. Now Amelia I'm gonna nee...hey wait!" I ran off before draco could finish his sentence. I had the bread in my mouth and I ran all the way up to the slithern commen room. I sat in the couch and ate my bread. I heard footsteps. I dived behind the couch.
"Find her even if you have to go to the girls dorm. I look down here." 'Crap!' I thought to myself. Dracos henchmen went there ways and draco began walking around the room. I moved the opposite direction.
"I saw your skirt Amelia I know,your here just stand up." -don't he's bluffing.-
'I gotta.' I stood up and was tackled to the ground. Draco was on top of me. He slapped me. It turned my head.
"Again with the slapping me!" I looked at him with anger.
"You need to start listening to me then!"
"You will!" he slapped me again.
"No!" I slapped him this time he was shocked but slapped me back.
"You have too!"
"Why!"draco's face went pink.
"Because...because just shut up!.." he slapped me as hard as he could. I shoved him off. He fell next to me. I layed on my side with my arm holding me up.
"Why can't you answer.." I said quietly.
"What?" I took a deep breath and screamed at the top of my lungs.
"WHY CANT YOU ANSWER ME! Huh!? Is it something your ashamed of, embarrassed?"
"Its just I can't...I don't know how to tell you. I need alyssa's help and she's kinda dead at the moment."
"No she's not just talk to her you'll get some kinda of aoura to her and you'll just know." draco pulled me in to a hug.
"I'm sorry."
"Apologie excepted."
"I'm gonna go."
"Ok" draco got up and left.
??? Pov
"Hmm it seems that her relation with the boy is abusive."
"Yes it dose."
Amelia pov
I Sat on the floor. John walked in and ran over to me.
"Amelia what happened!?" he held my face and look at it like a worried mother.
"Me and draco got in to a fight."
"Grr that as.." John got up to go kill draco but I stopped him.
"No we made up."
"Ok good."
Draco's pov
"Alyssa I just don't know how to tell her. I mean we got in to argument and I slapped her and she slapped me. But when she asked me why she had to obey me. I almost said it. I thought of just kissing her and telling her. I just don't know." I looked alyssa and she had this aura of just Yolo man. Ameila was right.
"Hmm I guess I'll just 'yolo it' thanks for the help" I left alyssa and went to lunch. 'Ill tell her at dinner.' I thought as,I ran down the hall. I walked in to see Amelia sitting with john, 'why does she hang out with him and not me.' I went and sat by pansy.
Ameila pov
After lunch I hung out with john. And made him give me a piggy back ride. I was in his back as we we're walking down the hallway to heading towards our common room.
"John I think draco hates me."
"Why do you say that?"
"Becasue After that fight we haven't talked. I think he hates me."
"Well why don't you go see him?"
"I don't want to seem clingy or annoying."
"You don't your just a concerned friend." I layed my head on his head and sighed.
"Yeah but I still standed by my statement and thanks,"
"Your welcome." we walking in to the common room. John dropped me on the couch.
"I'm gonna go to class you better hurry."
"Blah fine."
Time skip to dinner.
I Sat in the great hall, eating bread and cheesecake. An owl flew in and dropped a letter right in front of me. I looked at the seal and it was all to familiar. It was my family seal. My heart sank to my stomach.'None of my family was alive. it can't be.' I tore it open and read it.
Dear Amelia
Hey little slut were back. Well come to the school and make a rangements there. Oh and we have some new 'client's' I'm sure you understand.
                Love mommy I felt the acid rise to my mouth I collected the letter and envelop and ran to the bathroom. Maka and bear yelled after me.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while love 13-chan.

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