chapter 1 the letter.

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(That's what she looks like)
I woke up in my bed and quickly got out brushed my odd hair as people say and put my eyepatch on. A New day and New burden. I walked in to my kitchen and got some morning ice cream. I opened my window in the kitchen and Sat by it and looked outside. I heard wings flapping and coming closer. Then a white snowy owl appeared on the window seal with a letter. I grabbed the letter from it's mouth.
"Thank you." even if it was an animal I'm still saying thank you. It flew off and I looked at the letter it said.
To: Amelia Everbleed. Lives in Georgia Savannah. On 12 street of the top apartment 6th window over.
I opened it and it read.
Dear miss Everbleed
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary supplies and equipment.

Term begins on setpmber 1st. We will await your owl no later than 31st July.
Owl? I don't have an owl. And ticket fell out. Hogwarts 9'3/4. I'm 11 how am...well I live on my one so I guess I should be ok. I pack a few belonging like a blanket, my stuffed  giraffe, clothes. I put on a hoodie and pants. Along with convers. I walked out. Only to bump in to a tall big man.
"Hello Everbleed I'm hagrid."
"Please call me Amelia I hate bearing the name everbleed."
"Ok. Come with me and I'll help you get all your supplies."
"Ok" I followed him and next thing I remember was being in a town buzzing with people. (A/n I don't know,to much about this so I'll skip to wand and pet. -x-) I walked in to the wand shop.
"Hello. How can I help you?"
"I need a wand please."
"First one?"
"Yes sir."
"Hmm ok" he searched threw boxes and came back with a sliver one.
"Give it a flick." I did and it knocked things down. This went one for 20 mins or so.
"Hmm I wonder if." he walked off to the back and came back.
"This wand is very rare. Its core is thestral tail hair. The elder wand this is it's brother." he handed it to me. It was sliver with a sharp end. The,handle fit in my hand perfectly. Going up in had carvings that looked lighting.
"Ok give it a flick." I gently flicked it. A strong wind blew and the wand tip glowed brightly. The light went down to nothingness.
"It has choosen you to be it's owner. Do you swear to be it's owner and use it right?"
"Yes sir." he put it back in it's box and handed me it.
"Good here you go take it."
"What but i have to pay."
"No keep it."
"Ok thank you again sir."
"Your welcome." ok now to the pet store (she really rich cause when her parents died she inherited all the money that was at the bank.kinda like Harry but a little different you'll see soon) there were animals everywhere. I walked over to a cage to see ferrets one walked up to me. I picked it up out of the cage.
"Your gonna come with me." I walked over to the counter And payed. I walked outside.
"I'm gonna name you pan." he looked at me already knowing his name. He crawled in to my hood and slept. I walked and found hagrid.
"I got you bag and your books are in it."
"Ok thank you."
"Yap did you get your wand and pet."
"Yes." pan crawled on  shoulder. "This in pan. And this is my wand." hagrid looked a little in awe.
"What's the core?"
"Thestral tail core."
"That right there is a very powerful wand are you sure?"
"Yes sir."
"Ok now to get to the station you run in to the wall between 9 and 10 ok?"
" 9 3'4? Between 9 and 10? Ok"
"Alright now here the train station well goodbye for now amelia, pan." pan nodded a goodbye to hagrid. I began to walk and found the wall he was speaking of. I just gave it my duck it attitude.  (duck means fuck) I ran threw and ended up in a another station. The conductor called for Hogwarts I ran and go on the train. I walk around till I found an empty one. A girl was in it. She had white hair that goes down to her shoulder. Her bangs cover her for head and she had green eyes. She looks a bit taller than me.
"Hello may I join you this is the only one I could find."
"Yeah no problem. I'm  Maka Evergreen and this is my cat Oliver." Oliver is a black tabby with a white underbelly.
"Hi I'm Amelia and this pan."
"What's your last name?"
"Umm I don't like it so I'm not going to tell anyone."
"Oh ok here let me help you with your bags." she helped me put them on the self above my seat."
"Thank you."
"No problem. Is this your first year?"
"Yes yours?"
"Yap.I'm Super stocked." we arrive at another train station and we get on a boat. Me and maka stay together. We get on little boats and head to a huge castle on the side of a cliff.
"So that's hogwarts?"
"I guess so it's beautiful."
"Yeah." we stopp and got off and went to big doors. A me and maka were standing next to (harry, Ron and Hermione let's pretend they already met cause 13-Chan is lazy -x-) everyone began to talk about him. A boy with almost white blonde hair slicked back started to mouth harry.(draco malfoy) the professor mcGonagall.
"Enough draco. Come with me children you will be sorting hat and placed in to houses."
"Yeah like ravenclaw, slytherin, hufflepuff, Gryffindor. I want ravenclaw."
"Oh ok" we arrived in huge place with floating candles and the ceiling looked like the outside and tables filled with other kids and a stool in the front with people behind it. (I think you know who) we all gathered in front of the stool that had an old looking hat. McGonagall pulled out a list and called out names. A few kids went then...
"Maka evergreen." she walked up and Sat down. The hat was placed.
"Hmm let's see....ravenclaw." that table got so happy. She smiled at me and I gave her a thumbs up and the best smile I could muster which was just a small soft smile. He ran over to her table and they gave her the house uniform.
"John Blackwood." a boy with black hair and bangs going over his right eye and wearing glasses walked up and sat down.
"Slytherin." the table lit up too. (Draco is already over there and harry, Ron and Hermione are gone too.)
"Gabby frost." a girl with blonde hair and glass went up.
"Hufflepuff." the did the same as the other tables.
"Alyssa skott." a girl with long blonde hair ran up and sat down she looked really happy.
"Gryffindor." everyone was gone it was only me.
"Amelia everbleed." whispers broke out I heard one.
"I didn't know they had a daughter?"
"Me either." I walked up and sat down the hat was placed on my head.
"Hmm my your head is every where and your past is dark yet you have all the traits of each house. So I'll put you in..."
I gotta end it here so love 13~Chan.

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