Chapter 1 (Illidan)

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Illidan sits between Maiev and Khadgar aimlessly twirling a short and rusted blade in his fingers.

"What is that?" Khadgar eventually asks trying to diffuse the tension that always lingered during down time.

The demon hunter reminds silent, but Maiev's curiosity gets the better of her and she simply plucks the dagger from his hand.

"Give it back," he snaps.
"No, where did you get this?" she was now examining it.

"A prisoner, pet, guest," to his companions it's odd hearing him stumble over the words but he just continues ignoring their looks, "I kept at the Temple."

"A woman?"

"Why Maiev? Jealous, there's someone else in my life I hate as much as I hate you?"

Maiev laughs a smile crossing her face, "no, but I think Tyrande should be."

He just rolls his eyes and holds out a hand to her.

"What happened to her then?" Khadgar asks even if the conversation was not the greatest it was better than the silence, and with Maiev's unusual teasing it was also not quite as tense.

"I don't know. I sent her away to deal with some issues being had at the Netherwing Ledge and didn't see her after that."

Tilting her head when she catches the small but familiar engraving on the blade the Warden speak up again cutting off Khadgar's next question, "her name wasn't Thilalara  by any chance was it?"

Illidan turns to face her fully now and the look she recieves as she hands the dagger back is answer enough.

"Do you know this woman?" the mage wonders seeing an opportunity to possibly make Illidan into a happier person.

"I do, saddest little elf I ever met," she pauses for a moment, "we helped her to Shattrath, poor thing looked so abused. I never thought it was your doing."

Kor'vas can't help but snort with laughter at the comment, unable to keep silent from her position across the fire from Illidan.

"Care to comment, Kor'vas?"

"It's just a slightly funny thought to think my Lord would ever..."

"Go attend to your duties on the Fel Hammer," he snaps before she can finish her sentence.

She's on her feet and rushing away before he even finishes his own sentence, reminding the whole group of a child being sent to their room.

"What was she going to say?"

"I never abused Thilalara. Do you know where she is?"

"Last I heard she was working with Thalyssra  in Suramar," Maiev shrugs.

Illidan nods and goes back to spinning the rusted dagger in his hands. He reminds like that deep in thought till long after the others go to bed.

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