Chapter 3 (together)

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For once Illidan was actually very thankful for his spectral sight. Her aura, so very familiar to him, and unlike most for some reason he could not quite explain, gave away that she was there.

"I know it's you," he spoke quietly wanting her to be the only one to hear him.

Thilalara transforms back into her usual night elf form and just sits on the ground looking at the man before her for several minutes.

"Thilalara I presume," Khadgar speaks breaking the couple from their stares.

"I am Archmage, I did meet you before, very briefly in Northrend."

"Lara," Illidan uses the old nickname to draw her attention back to him, "what happened?"

"Your commander type person there struck me hard enough I went over the edge. I flew to the swamp, Zangermarsh, I remember you saying something about Akama being there," she shakes her head trying to clear her thoughts and get them in order.

It's unnecessary though because Illidan was able to fill in the rest from what Maiev had said the previous night. "The Warden found you instead and brought you to Shattrath, from there I assume you went running back home to Ashenvale?"

She nods as her eyes lower to look were he still held her hand, "you still remember where to grab my wing."

He laughs and hoists her into his embrace standing them both up.

Khadgar smiles at the pair.

Maiev rolls her eyes.

The Illidari let out a loud cheer when they see what is happening. To them this was right, their Lord and his prisoner, that was hardly a prisoner.

"We should celebrate," Kor'vas shouts over her fellow demon hunters.

Thilalara looks to the young woman shifting herself to he able to hold Illidan while still looking at everyone else standing around them. "You don't need to do that, there are demons to fight still."

"She doesn't know?" the demon hunter asks her Master clearly confused by the other woman's words.

"Know what?" she looks up at Illidan.

"Nothing pet," he assures using another of her nicknames.

"Lies!" Thilalara pulls away from the man and goes to Kor'vas' side pulling her by the elbow as she keeps walking. "Tell me then since he will not."

"I don't think I should. It is between you and Lord Illidan, I only know because we were all instructed to help him plan what he was."

"I take it this plan is why I was sent away to go help with the drakes?"

"We didn't actually know you had left until he sent a search party after you the next morning."

"Bloodthorn return to the camp, I need to speak with her alone," Illidan tells the girl appearing in front of them both.

"You going to explain what exactly this plan is?"

"A trip to Argus."

She laughs, "funny, that's not it. Come my Lord you never hesitated to tell me this before."

He sighs and grabs her wrist making her stop walking. "If you must know, I was going to..."

"My Lord, Miss, come quietly somethings happened!"

"Tell me now, or I will be in Suramar when you are ready."

"Marry me?" he mutters against her lips already leaning down to capture them.

"I answered this already, yes." She kisses him back briefly before his meaning becomes clear to her and she pulls away to ask, "you were going to actually give me a wedding?"

He shrugs mumbling some sort of explanation that makes her laugh.

"Go back to camp. I'm going back to Suramar, let us win this war first."

They share another kiss before parting.

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