Note 13

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Tomorrow was her presentation. And that was all September could think about. She could barely focus on the sticky note where Bradley's messy handwriting covered.

Hi S.M.A. Thanks, I like your middle name too. Ok I will let them know about the movie. I'm glad  that I'm the highlight of your day. You are mine too. And yes, we can exchange numbers then, unless I end up hating you, but that is bound to happen. Yeah , the 1975 are really good. they are actually one of my inspirations lyrically. of course they aren't the only ones, but they are one. I don't have many pet peeves, but I do hate when people chew loudly. Aren't most people like this? Two questions: 1-Do you have any pet peeves? 2- What do you think I look like?


Images of possible people filled her mind. Based on her conversation, she had no idea what he looked like. 

Hi Bradley (aka Brad). Most people have the chewing thing, but for me it is lip smacking. Absolutely hate it. For second question, I have no idea. I cannot base your looks by our conversation. I hope you are taller than me. I am 5'3" so you probably are. I also hope that you have dimples. I have no idea why, but I find them extremely adorable and I love them. I like your personality and that is what matters. I don't mind hair or eye color. It doesn't really bother me. Was I at least a little accurate? Do you have dimples?


She, for some unknown reason, had a gut feeling that she was accurate. Her pen tapped on her desk after the note was put away. She was bored and stressed out of her mind. Her story was not complete and she didn't know how to finish it. 

Fifth block ended and she was off to her last. Sept's notebook that contained her project was filled with the sticky notes. She needed to figure out how to summarize them. Her assignment could only be a page long. The part that made her a complete nervous wreck was the fact that she had to present it to the class. She was in the middle, but she wanted to be the first just so she could get it over with. Many people want to be the last, but the idea of that freaked September out. 

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