Chapter Two

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The dragons shuffled and took off with riders still in the saddles. Their war training kicked in, the dragons getting them an aerial view as they searched the now familiar land for the cause of the disturbance. A Night Terror hung from the broken beams of an old breeder's barn and little dragons hobbled from the rubble. It bit at the humans who screamed in fright. "Therise! Look out," Adeline cried.

Kaarine dived just in time to avoid the large piece of barn door thrown straight for her and her mount. From the ground the night terror screeched at them. "Keep moving Aline! Don't let it catch you!" Adeline whistled and Dalerix dodged another part of the barn before diving forward and hitting the ground to jump back up. Therise drew her sword, holding her reins in one hand and readied Kaarine for the dive. Swooping in, and banking to the right as Therise swung her sword at the Terror. Both girls took swings and attacks at the Terror, keeping their undivided attention on it and its movements whilst also listening to make sure that there were no others coming to attack them or the village.

It was a disgusting creature, its long talons took a swipe at Kaarine, who dodged with an impressive manoeuvre she and Therise had trained on for months, twisting her body so the hardened scales of her flank took the blow. Adeline and Dalerix swooped off as another Terror came for the baby dragons huddled in the town's centre. She intercepted the beast and Dalerix gave a mighty roar that made the buildings shake. Axe swinging, two Terrors were felled at Adeline's hand, another three by Therise's sword. There was quiet for a moment and Adeline turned to Therise, "I don't get it. It's daylight. They aren't due to emerge for another hour!"

One took a bite at Adeline and Darelix took to the air, shocking her and nearly causing her to fall from his saddle. "I don't have time for this!" Adeline screamed and sent her axe down upon another Terror before unhooking her bow and shooting at them. Therise, now driven to the other side of the village by the onslaught, had Kaarine slashing with her talons and teeth, knocking down Terrors with her tail as she moved, smashing their skulls in. She roared at them, her rider holding her back from using her fire in the confined area. Both pairs fought against the oncoming enemies, forcing the Night Terrors back into the trees as the frightened villagers cowered in the houses.

The final Night Terror was slain, an arrow to the head and a dagger through its chest. The tension in their bodies stayed as the faced each other. "We were lucky they were lower class and weak"

"Lucky?!" Adeline threw her small hat to the floor and stomped away from Darelix as she faced towards the village leader.

"Adeline! Halt." As much as she hated to, Adeline stopped in her course of violent intent and turned to her instructor.

"What!? Why must we nearly die for a bunch of idiots who don't even want us here? They tried to shoot us for Glods sake," She took her hat and axe from the floor and shoved them into the saddle bags on Darelix's flanks.

Therise's eyes flashed as she started loosening her leathers. "You will be respectful. We did this as it is our job. Calm yourself, you have lost control."

"Our job is to fight the terrors, not get our arses nearly killed by a bunch of stupid humans!" She jumped into the saddle, whistling gently and guiding Darelix to the tree line.

"Don't you turn away from a fight girl. Must I remind you that we are part human. You are to be a Night Hunter. Act like it. Do not embarrass yourself or our name in your anger. It only brings regret."

"What I regret is thinking that living the life of a Night hunter would be better than settling down with my chosen husband and spitting out kids! I thought our work would be meaningful or at least fun," Darelix shook his head mimicking the attitude his rider portrayed.

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