Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

When people say, "Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed," they aren't lying. It is in fact, true - to me, at least. But, Johnny Depp once said, "The only thing to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it." 

And let me get one thing straight. I was definitely not having fun. 

Wrong. They were wrong. They had no idea how incorrect that statement was - at the moment, at least. The first quote was correct, and the second was an almost impossible task right now. 

For the past two minutes, Adeline and I had been hanging upside down on a ride that was called Tower Of Terror and we had not stopped screaming for the past two minutes - excluding the breaks which involved taking a new breath. 

My heart was pounding at what felt like three hundred miles per second and my hair hung like a curtain across my face. I had been panting for several moments and my eyes were still closed. I had found out that attempting to calm down and keep my heart rate at a constant speed, was an extremely difficult thing to do while being fifty feet in the air, with only a seatbelt, two bars and two metal-rodded doors holding us in place. 

The Tower Of Terror literally was a Tower Of Terror. 

From what I had said from the previous rides of this, they had never stopped midair for so long. Heck, I don't think they even stopped - they just went round and round in circles. 

"I am never going on this ride ever again!" Adeline screamed. "I repeat, never! This thing is fucking rigged, I tell you."

I wasn't sure whether I should have nodded along and murmured an agreement or ignore her. I was into too much shock to even reply. I slowly opened my eyes and gazed down at the sight below me. The lights of the amusement park were lit up brightly and I was able to view everything from up here. 

It was an amazing sight, yet frightening at the same time.

I couldn't helped but grip onto the metal bars above me tighter, if that was even possible. I let out a shaky breath, which I hadn't even realised that I was holding in. 

I gulped slightly and asked Adeline in a quivering voice, "How long do you think we'll be here for?" 

She shook her head slightly. "I have no idea." 

She adjusted her position in our small cart, causing the compartment to rock not just slightly, but violently. I let out another scream, which I'm pretty sure, deafened several other members on the ride who were also panicking as much as us. 

"Attention, everyone," announced the guy speaking into PA below us in a monotone voice. He could have at least acted the slightest bit interested or worried about our situation but he didn't. "We apologise for any inconvenience we have caused you, but I assure you that we will try and fix this as soon as possible."

Trying wasn't good enough. They needed to do this. 

A few minutes later - or what seemed to feel like an eternity - the winds had slowed down to a slight breeze and the rocking of the carriages had calmed down. I breathed out a sigh of relief. Now, this would be a good sight to look down to if I was actually sitting upright on something that could have been the ferris wheel. 

'This is karma biting you in the ass,' the snide voice inside my head sneered at me. 

I shook my head to remove those thoughts and I was quickly distracted as the cart started to rock back and forth again. 

Even though we were above ground by a lot, I could hear the groan that the wind had carried over. "Fuck my life." 

I almost laughed. Chris sounded like he was about to throw up midair. I wouldn't blame him if he really did. I was actually grateful that I had skipped breakfast, yet again. If I had eaten, the food would've come out the wrong way. 

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