That's Why I Love Her

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She's amazing, my girlfriend that is. She was gorgeous both inside and out, but my favorite thing about her was that she was naturally calm. It's so different than most people I know. Most of them, they'd flip out at the smallest things, but she is levelheaded and doesn't rile easy during stressful events. Let me give you an example. One time, my girlfriend and I were out buying supplies for a project that was due the next day. (I would not recommend waiting until the last minute to do projects.) Anyways, I began to run through the store and panic because I felt that we would never finish the project. That's when she took control of the situation.

"Hey, you need to calm down. I know this project is really important and will determine our grade, but if you don't have a cool head it isn't going to get done." my girlfriend said, as she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"I'm sorry, you're right. I'm just super worried that I won't get the project done." I answered, taking a few deep breaths.

"I understand that you're worried and stressed, but you've gotta keep it together so you can get this done."

"You're right, I just need to take a few deep breaths and we can continue."

That was how most of our conversations went, me freaking out and her either telling me to or her helping me calm down. I never understood how she never got nervous before she spoke in front of people or how she didn't get riled while working on a school project. That was until she called me once at two thirty in the morning, screaming about how she couldn't find her notes for a speech we needed to give tomorrow. It wasn't a full scream, it was more of a sob cry. We found her notes eventually, by both of us searching our rooms, she calmed immediately. After that I realized that she can only hold in so much, I mean, she's only human.

I knew that there would always be those times where she'd panic if she couldn't find something hours before she needed it, but it was never to the extent that I would have taken it. I sometimes wonder if she does that for me because she knows how easily I freak out or get stressed. I know it seems far fetched, but it makes sense in my mind, and it's something she would do.

She's a people pleaser too, so anything she does, it has to be good enough for her but also above and beyond for those that will see it. I wish that she wasn't so aimed at pleasing everyone, because I know it can lead to bad things. I've witnessed many times where she's been forced into so many things because she wants everyone to be happy and she doesn't know how to say no.

If I had to pick my favorite thing about her, it would probably be her calmness. She truly was my calm in the middle of a storm. My rock to cling to in times of struggle. The one person I could go to for anything. And that is why I love her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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